User:Daniel-Mario Larco/Notebook/AU Biodesign Lab - 09/03/2013/2013/10/16

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We are going to test the activity of our HRP-NPs today for the catalytic conversion of luminol


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Stock Solution

  1. Buffer
    1. 0.6140g Tris in 1L, pH set to 8 with HCl ---> 5.1mM
  2. Luminol
    1. Dissolve 12.9mg luminol in 300uL of DMSO
    2. Add to 50mL buffer ---> 1.46mM
  3. H2O2
    1. 312uL 30% H2O2 into 100mL buffer ---> Should be 45mM
    2. Check absorption at 250 source (ε(250) = 16.69 M-1cm-1). A = 0.7392. [H2O2] = 44.29mM


When we ran our sample, there was no change in the peaks of the solution which suggests that the protein nano particles were not activated and did not interact with the luminol. These results are illustrated in the following graph: