Pelling:Protocols/Paramecium caudatum Culture

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  • In a 500mL Erlenmeyer flask add 50mL of Hay Media and 3 boiled wheat grains.
  • Add 150mL of dH2O
  • Optional: Add 150μL of CH or 150μL of PJ Solution
  • Let stand at room temperature 24 hours. Use a small piece of tin foil to cover the top of the flask (not tightly, you want air to flow).
  • The next day inoculate with P. caudatum and keep at room temperature in the dark.


When you have a healthy culture going (about 1-2 weeks after inoculation) you can subculture as necessary in fresh media and new wheat grains. Remember to prepare the media the day beforehand.


  • Cells collect on the surface and throughout the media.