ISISBio:Internal/LSS Reports/080207

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Bioscience Report for LSS group meeting – 7/02/08 – C Neylon

Personnel Resource

Luke Clifton commenced as a support scientist in late January. Currently negotiating with first choice person for data analysis post. Hope to have some clear answers soon

Biolabs (TS-1 and TS-2)


The lab is now more or less functional. A few issues need to be sorted out with respect to equipment commissioning but this is relatively minor. The central problem we now face is that the lab has been deemed inappropriate for work due to the storage of chemical waste and the lack of clear benchspace. A number of other specific issues have also been identified which are being remedied. The clear over-riding issue is one of a lack of space for the scale of operation we envisage growing to. This is not ultimately going to be solved by the TS-2 lab and we are going to have to be creative about how we fit any significant number of people in. The Research Complex doesn’t appear to be a solution as this is already apparently full.


Further refinement of the plans is ongoing. Final drawings have been approved and this should be going ahead in the next few weeks. Labs are expected to be completed by end of March but not to be moved in until October/November. Given space issues we will be trying to see if we can move the schedule up at all.

Science and general

Research Network on Biomembrane Structure and Function

Aiming to fund visit by Steven Sligar who has developed a membrane sample system which has great potential for SANS studies of membrane proteins. Am also likely to fund a sandwich visit out the network funds to help us prepare some fluorescently labelled membrane proteins that may help us link into the Lasers facility with some experiments.

Review on SAXS/SANS in biology (out of NIB meeting)

Is live at EBJ for anyone who is interested:

Meeting on bio-targets

Having a meeting on Monday morning to discuss current research plans and possible cross over between ISIS staff and identify themes and projects to take forward in the short to medium term. Have identified membrane channels as a general theme that could be targeted across a wide range of instruments and in collaboration with other groups on and off site.