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Project Calendar

Weekly Schedule

<calendar> name=IGEM:IMPERIAL/2007/Calendar date = 2007/08/01 view=threemonths format=%name/%year-%month-%day weekstart=7 </calendar>


Project Meetings

After discussion we feel that in order to efficiently inform the advisers we will have project meetings and group specific meetings from now on. These meetings will be in smaller groups and are to have a specific agenda agreed before hand.

Logo and Name

The plans for the 'vesocop' are to create a comic strip telling the story of the projects. The logo and name are going to be decided upon after we have an finalised on the 'vesocop' identity. Some suggestions on changing the vesocop identity were to use clearly English themes, e.g. James Bond, Sherlock holmes.


Following todays lab session there is going to be a lab planned from 9-12 tomorrow morning. Other issues in the lab are that there have been problem cloning the pBAD promoter and reporter construct. However the affect of this is minimal as it was a low priority construct.

Veso Group

Protocols and supplies are now ready however need to find a sonic bath. There is a possibility of using the one in the teaching labs in chemistry. Need to investigated how to visualize the vesicles.