BME100 s2015:WikiHelp

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Wiki Editing Help

Uploading Images to OpenWetWare

Before putting an image on your page, you must upload an image to OWW...

  1. Create an image in your favorite image-making software. Save the image as a jpg or png file somewhere on your hard drive.
  2. Click the "Upload file" link in the OpenWetWare menu on the left (under "toolbox").
  3. At the Upload file page, click Choose file and use the browser to find the file on your hard drive.
  4. IMPORTANT! In the Destination filename: box, replace the file name with a name that contains a unique identifier.
    Good example: BME103WG3_PCRsetup.jpg (hypothetically for BME100, Wednesday section, Group 3)
    Bad example: PCRsetup.jpg
  5. Click the Upload file button.
  6. IMPORTANT! Remember/ write down the name of your file. You will need to use the EXACT file name in order to add the image to your wiki page.

Adding Images to Your Page

Regular Images

  1. Go to the page you want to add an image to.
  2. Click the edit tab at the top of the page.
  3. Type in this text: [[Image:Owwnotebook_icon.png‎|200px|Description of image]]
    1. Tip: "200px" sets the width of the image to 200 pixels. The height will automatically scale proportionally.
    2. Tip: "Description of image" is the pop-up text a visitor will see when they mouse-over the image.
  4. After you have uploaded an image to OWW, replace Owwnotebook_icon.png‎ with the file name of your image.
  5. Replace Description of image with a short description of your image.
  6. Set the width of your image by editing the number where 200px is in the example.
  7. Click the Save page button.

Thumbnail Images
Thumbnail images are small images with captions. These add a nice touch to the text that explains your project.

  1. Follow the same steps as above, but include more aspects in your Image code: [[Image:Owwnotebook_icon.png‎|thumb|frame|left|A description of the image goes here]]
  2. The aspect left places the thumbnail to the left of your page's text. Replace left with right to move it to the right.
  3. Replace A description of the image goes here with a short description of your image.
  4. Click the Save page button.

Text Editing

  Wiki Code Result
Bold text - Use three apostrophes before and after the bolded text '''bolded text''' bolded text
Itallic text - Use two apostrophes before and after the italicized text ''italicized text'' italicized text
Colored text - Use a font tag and specify the color property One font. Two font. <font color="red">Red font. </font><font color="blue">Blue font</font> One font. Two font. Red font. Blue font
Underlined text - Use "underline" tags before and after the text This text is not underlined. <u>This text is underlined.</u> This text is not underlined. This text is underlined.
Line break - hitting enter/ return on your keyboard will create a new line in the edit box, but not on the saved wiki page. Use the <br> code. Line one of text.
Incorrect way to start new line.
Line one of text.Incorrect way to start new line.
Line one of text.<br>
Correct way to start a new line
Line one of text.
Correct way to start a new line.
Line one of text.<br><br>
Extra line breaks create more space
Line one of text.

Extra line breaks create more space


For a table that looks like this:

row 1 cell 1 row 1 cell 2 row 1 cell 3 row 1 cell 4
row 2 cell 1 row 2 cell 2 row 2 cell 3 row 2 cell 4

Use code that looks like this:
{| {{table}}
| row 1 cell 1 || row 1 cell 2 || row 1 cell 3 || row 1 cell 4
| row 2 cell 1 || row 2 cell 2 || row 2 cell 3 || row 2 cell 4

  • Each |-
    adds a new row.
  • Each || adds a new cell in that row
  • If you want to do more advanced editing, like merging cells, see more table editing tips here:
  • Excel to Wiki table converter: here's a neat tool that let's you paste data from Excel into a form and covert it into Wiki code by clicking a button.