BME100 s2015:Group6 9amL2

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Name: Sara Belko
Name: Luc Tieu
Name: Priscilla Delgado
Name: Al Imam
Name: Francisco Campa


Descriptive Statistics

Experiment 1

Dosage Average Standard Deviation Standard Error
0 mg 3.834 1.52 1.212417255
5 mg 8.932 1.594 2.824546406
10 mg 61.622 30.111 19.4865874
15 mg 657.941 212.9 208.0592126

Experiment 2

Dosage Average Standard Deviation Standard Error
0 mg 10.516 2.22555162 0.656297446
10 mg 11.112 6.62134246 2.96115437


Experiment 1


Experiment 2



Experiment 1

- Uses ANOVA test because of multiple groups (0mg, 5mg, 10mg, and 15mg)

Based on the ANOVA test, the p-value of the four groups was 1.4E-16 which concludes each subject group is statistically significant from one another. The experiment can be performed with s 95% confidence level of getting near the same results. Furthermore, T-Tests conducted between each subject group resulted in p-values <(0.05/6). As the dosage (mg) increased, the inflammotin (pg/ml) increases as well. Therefore, the hypothesis was supported by the data. However, potential errors during this experiment with multiple groups could have been an inconsistency of age or human error due to not taking doses regularly.

Experiment 2

- Based on the results we got for both rat groups, the T test results were .86, which is greater than a p value of .05. Thus, the results are insignificant. This could be because of physiological differences between rats and humans. As a result, both species process the dosages differently in favor of the humans. In addition, 0 and 10 mg might be insignificant dosages for rats. There is a probability if rats were given dosages higher than 10 mg, a significant results ensue.


In experiment one, all the groups were significant to each other, which means that the greater the dosage of LPS equals a higher the level of Inflammotin in humans because the p-value was less than 0.05. In the second experiment, the results were insignificant because the P-value for both groups was 0.86, which is greater than 5%. This means that the two groups are not different. 86% of the time, LPS will no have an effect on the Inflammotin levels in the rats, which means that the results of the two experiments will be different.