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2012 Spring-I

PTN清华进展和讨论生物学专题讨论之细胞膜离子通道基础专题模块 (2012 Spring)

上课时间:3/6;3/8;3/13;3/15 上午8:50-10:35 上课地点:清华 六教 6B308

Contact Info:
Xiaodong Liu (刘晓冬), Ph.D.
Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Life Sciences
Principle Investigator of X-Lab 
School of Medicine
Tsinghua University
B-307 (office); B-229(Lab)
Voice: (86)10-62796733 (O); 
TA: 秦 毅(2011级PTN学生) 邮箱:ptnqyi@126.com 手机:18210604223

Lecture I (3/6) : Fundamentals of Ion Channels

a. Current Understanding: Permeation; Selectivity; Gating

b. Historical Retrospects

c. Molecular Physiology of Ion Channels (Molecular Biophysics & Pathophysiological Relevance)

Lecture II (3/8) : Quantitative Descriptions o of Ion Channel Behaviors

a. H-H, (see http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1392413/pdf/jphysiol01442-0106.pdf)

b. Single Channels (see http://openwetware.org/images/1/18/Paper_Neher_Lecture.pdf)

c. Simulations (see http://www.neuron.yale.edu/neuron/)

Lecture III (3/13): Frontiers of Ion Channels -I

a. Molecular Aspects

Paper A: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v451/n7180/full/nature06529.html

Paper B: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v463/n7283/full/nature08766.html

b. Comments, Insights and Beyond (for non-channel proteins, see http://bernstein.harvard.edu/papers/peter_science_1998.pdf)

Lecture IV (3/15): Frontiers of Ion Channels -II

a. Physiological Aspects

Paper C: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nature10812.html

Paper D: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v447/n7148/full/nature05865.html

b. Comments, Insights and Beyond (optogenetics, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optogenetics)

c. Brief Summary

2012 Spring-II

医学药学实验班 生理学之神经生理I (2012 Spring)

2012.5.18 五 2 三教1209 第29-30章 neuronal excitability

2012.5.22 二 3 三教1209 第31-32章 sensory functions

2012 Fall-I

生物医学工程系本科 神经工程模块 (2012 Fall)



召集人: 刘晓冬

主讲:  刘晓冬、宋森

神经科学与神经工程基础 (2012秋季) Foundations of Neural Science & Engineering (Fall 2012) 60 (48+12) 上课时间: 每周三上午3小时 上课地点:清华大学 (教室:) 讨论课时间: 周六,下午2小时 上课地点:清华大学 医学院 (教室待定) 课程负责人: 刘晓冬 <liuxiaodong@tsinghua.edu.cn>, 宋森 <sen.song@gmail.com> 助教: 教材:Foundations of Cellular Neurophysiology (Johnson and Wu, Q42 FJ72); Principles of Neural Sciences (Eric Kandel, R338 FP95); 参考书:Ion Channels of Excitable Membrane (Bertil Hille); Neural Engineering (2008, CRC Press, Q42 FN497); Neuroscience (Dale Purves, ISBN 978-0878936977, 医学馆) ; Neural Engineering (ISBN: 0585444684, MIT Press) E-resource: Principles of Neural Sciences; Ion Channels of Excitable Membrane; Neuroscience


Introduction to Science and Engineering of Neural System Course Coverage and General Introduction (1) Liu (basic principles, quantitative bend, engineering emphasis)

Neural System: Molecular, Cellular; (1) Liu Circuit and System. (1) Song Discussion I. Liu and Song

Neuronal Excitability Electrical Properties of Neural Membrane: Membrane and HH Analysis (1) Liu Ion Channels: Diversity and Physiology; Structure-Function: Single-Channel Analysis (2) Liu Discussion II. Liu

Realistic Neuron, pre- and post-synaptic mechanisms (2) Song Cable Equation (1) Song Neural Stimulation (1) Song Discussion III. Song

Functions of Nervous System Sensory and Motor (3) Liu Discussion IV. Liu

Cognitive: Learning, Memory and Emotion. (3) Song Discussion V. Song

Discussion VI. Liu and Song

2012 Fall-II


生物医学工程系 研究生选修课 (2012 Fall)