User:Matias Bifani/Notebook/Biology 210 at AU

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Identifying Algae and Protists

Purpose: To further develop our understanding of the dichotomous key a sample of transect 2 was used to observe two different niche’s. An experiment was conducted in order to observe 6 wet mounts from 2 different niches of the transects 2 sample. This would allow the lab team to enhance their understating of what types of organism belong to the ecosystem of transect 2. It was hypothesized that organism that belonged to the top section of the sample would have more developed motility then those observed in the bottom niche of the sample.

Materials and Methods: • First a known organism was observed under a ocular microscope

     o	A dichotomous key was used to confirm that organism and strength the understanding of the dichotomous key 

• 6 wet mounts were collected from transect 2 sample

    o	The 2 samples from the top and bottom of the sample first need to diluted 
    o	3 samples were collected by a pipette from both the bottom and top niches of the sample respectively 
    o	Before looking at the sample you have to dilute the sample 

• Therefore dilute the original sample 4 times using sterile broth • Add 1 drop of paralytic agent to each slide the slow down the organisms motility • Once all 6 wet mounts from the 2 separate niches observe the organism under and ocular microscope • Find one organism in each wet mount and identify it using the dichotomous key

     o	Once identified draw and record organism characteristics 

• Secondly, plate 6 agar plates with the sample

     o	Make sure three of the plates have an antibiotic 

Data and Observations:

1.) 3 organism from the top niche of sample

2.) 3 organism from the bottom niche of sample

Conclusion and future directions:

In conclusion after observing the organism all three organism found in the top niche had means of motility. However it is true that organism found at the bottom of the niche too have cilia and flagella. Therefore there is no clear determent between organisms found in the two different niches. In order to further improve the results more sample trails can take place to better isolate what kinds of algea and protest are found between the two different niches.

26th January 2015 – Lab Entry 1

Introduction & Purpose:

Charles Darwin developed the Theory of Natural Selection, which is natures way to isolate and pass on traits that are more suitable for a certain environment and ecosystem. There are three factors that are necessary to achieve natural selection, variability amongst species, heritability, differential capacity for survival and reproduction. In order to track evolution through natural selection 3 different organisms were observed from the Volvocine line: Chlamydomonas, Gonium and Volvox. Certain evolutionary specializations such as number of cells, colony size, motility, specialization of cell and method of sexual reproduction where observed to differentiate the different characteristics of the different green algae, chlorophyta. In order to familiarize ourselves with classifying traits a dichotomous key was used to determine different traits and organisms. A sample was later collected from transect 2 in order to classify and observe the different organism of that location. The dichotomous key will be a necessary tool to be used in order to classify and determine what organism is being observed. Such observations will be needed to determine the ecology and the biodiversity of a designated transect.

Materials and Methods:

In order to determine the different characterizes of the organism in the Volvocine line, three wet slides were created which consisted of Chlamydomonas, Gonium, and Volvox. A paralyzing agent was added to reduce motility, which allowed for observations under a microscope with an ocular lense. The dichotomous key was used to determine different evolutionary specialization and to clarify what organism it is. In order to determine the biodiversity of the transect 2 a Hay Infusion Culture. 10.7 grams of the transect sample was added to a 500 mL solution of Deer Park Water. Once the sample was added to the Deer Park Water Solution roughly 0.1 grams of dried milk was added and mix for 10 seconds. When mixing the ensure the jar is closed, however once mixed remove the lid to allow organism to breathe (Make ATP!). Finally label the jar to ensure a consistent sample, and clean up the lab station. Next week, a sample collected will be used to determine the biodiversity in the transect, this will be achieved by creating a wet slide, with a paralyzing agent, and using the dichotomous key to help classify the organism found.

Data and Observations:

Characteristic Chlamydomnas Gonium Volvox Number of Cell 2 4 8 Colony Size (µm) 17 45 45 Cell Specialization No Yes Yes Mechanisms of Motility Flagella Enivornment Cilia and Flagella Isogamous or Oogamous Both Oogamous Oogamous



Therefore, the more evolved organism of the Volvocine line have larger colonies. In addition you can see the familiar traits that are in all three organism such as reproduction.