User:Kervin D Hilaire/Notebook/Biology 210 at AU

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Jan. 21 2015

This is my first Lab journal submission .

KDH _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Janurary 25, 2015

LAB 1:Biological Life at AU

Lab 1, we examined the organisms of the same species that were prime examples of evolution. We dealt with Chlorophyta, a green algae group. We measured the number of cells of Chlamydomonas, Gonium, and Volvox; and examined other characteristics of the group of organisms.

Cells Size
Chlamydomonas 125 Isogamous
Gonium 10 Oogamous
Volvox 180 Oogamous

Transect 2:

Location: American University , near the entrance of the campus right by Hughes and McDowell Hall

Biotic: Tree (3x) Bushes (6x) Mosh Nut Shells Grass

Abiotic: Rock Bench Directional Signs (2) Snow Ice



Janurary 27, 2015

Lab 2: Identify Algae and Protists

Lab 2 focused on using a dichotomous key to identify unknown organisms and also examine algae and protists from our transect. Before all that we brushed up information on Unicellular Eukarya .

Peranema: 20um

Colpidium Sp: 50um

Volvox: 350um

Brown Algae: 10um

Bursaira Truncatbella: 500um

Chlamydomonans: 5um

Peranema meets the needs of life because it can grow, reproduce, uses oxygen, and responds to its environment.

If the Hay Infusion Culture grew for another two months, the organism that are currently there would multiply and adapt to the new enivromnet , the smell would get stronger. Fungi and bacteria will start to appear. Temperature would affect the community of samples.

Serial Dilution Procedure