User:J. C. Martinez-Garcia/Notebook/HMS Activities/2008/12/27

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Planning the next battle

Today is December 27, 2008, and I must leave the city to come back to Mexico on February 1, 2009. I need to organize my activities in a clever way to get as many positive results as possible. I decided then to conceive my future task as associated to a battle. I will then identify in what follows the elements of the current situation which made it a a pre-battle situation.

The Situation (available resources)

I must leave Boston on February 1, 2009. Today is December 27, 2008. The time-space setup is then configured as follows (this is the battle playground):

  1. Available days (starting next Monday 29, 2008): 34 days, i.e. 816 hours. The actual available number of hours is given as follows: Actual available number of hours = 816 - 34*7 (sleep time) - 34*(1.5) (exercise time) - 34*2 (feeding time) - 34*(0.5) (shower time) - 34*(1) (transport time) = 408 hours. (i.e. 12 hours per day)

Decision: I will take 10 hours per day and I will leave 2 dairy hours out of the battle time.

So, I have 340 hours of actual available time.

What I want to get from the battle?

This the list of the final results that I want to get (i.e. what victory would mean):

  1. To maintain the doors open (social networking). Which is to say to establish long term contacts with people who is here, to ensure the continuity of my collaboration and to allow me to be protected from Mexican isolation. What are then the relationships that must be nourished?:
    • [PM] Pamela Silver (she is the head of this laboratory, Silver Lab).
    • [TP] Tzachi Pilpel (different approaches concerning experimental biology).
    • [ES] Eduardo Sontag (modeling, control and robustness).
    • [WF] Walter Fontana (I want to collaborate with him in theoretical stuff concerning evolution).
    • [SS] Sabrina Spencer (she is finishing her studies at the Sorger Lab, which is linked to MIT), who is involved in modeling stuff.
    • [EJ] Eva Jablonka (evolution froma theoretical point of view).
    • [MB] Mikhail Burtzev (modeling learning and evolution).
    • [JF] Julio Frenk (head of HMSPH), who can open doors to obtain money for projects around molecular medicine.
    • [EO] Esther Orozco (to connect with her to develop a project around mobility issues).
    • [KS] JFK School of Government (project on product space and networks, collaborate with people from CIDE and ITAM).
    • [AL] Arturo Lazcano (UNAM and evolution).
    • [AD] Alex de Luna (project on evolution from an experimental point of view).
    • [RJ] Rafael Jimenez (medical sector at UNAM).
    • [GL] Galit Lahav (information on oscillatory behaviors).
    • [UA] Uri Alon (the network approach).
  1. To construct new possibilities of personal progress on science activities.

How to prepare the battle?

  1. Take the decision on the strategic way to do things.
  2. Fix the logistic stuff (provision of resources)
  3. Fix ways to measure the situation of the battle (concrete goals).
  4. Establish tactical approaches to be successful with the goals.
  1. To nourish my scientific oriented passions.