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Giovanna Franklin

Matthew Lefauve

Observing Transect 5 on AU's Campus

Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to understand the biodiversity and the abiotic and biotic factors that appeared in our ecosystem

Data and Observations:

The are that my group was responsible for was transect 5. Transect 5 is located on the main quad outside of the Hurst building. My transect was 20 x 20 meters and was on flat land. Due to the cold

weather, there was no vegetation on our transect but there were a bunch of little brown bushes, soil, grass and snow.

Biotic: clover, grass, bush type 1, bush type 2, fern

Abiotic: woodchips, soil, snow, rocks, leaves




Green: represents grass

Purple: represents snow

Material and Methods:

We used a sterile 50mL tube to collect samples of the vegetation from our transect to bring back and analyze in lab. Although there weren't many live flowers or leaves, we still collected them along

with grass, soil, and clovers to put aside and use in our Hay Infusion Cultures. The Hay Infusion Culture was the first method to analyzing some of the organisms and vegetation within our transect. In
order to perform this, we took 10-20 grams of the sample we collected and placed it in a jar with 500 mLs of deer park water along with .1gm of dried milk.


Conclusions: Although there weren't many organisms that appeared to be alive when we collected the sample, I am assuming that there are lots of little bugs and critters that will be visible after we

let the Hay Infusion sit for a week and when we use the microscopes to examine it more closely.

Identifying Algae and Protists-Lab 2

Purpose: the propose of this lab is to identify and study unicellular eukarya and see the differnation of algea and Protist characteristics and eximane them in my transect

Material and Methods: I used and observed products that were in a drop of my Hay Infusion Culture. We used the dichotomous key to indetfy organisms. To further study the organisms in our

transect we had to inoculate nutrient agar petri dishes to look at prokayotes. I carefuy brought the culture to my area without disturbing it and took samples from the micospic observation.I made a

1:100 dilution.  I had eight labeled tubes of 10mLs sterile broth. I had a 100microliters filled micropipettor and added it to the sterile broth. Then I mixed the tube. We pipetted 100uL to plate serial 

dilutions from the tubes. I then put it onto its corresponding plate. I had four agar petri dishes with tetracycline and four without it. We left the dishes at room temperature for the bacteria togrow.

Data and Obercations: The culture was dark brown and carried a very rough strong stench. There was nothing growing in it ,but by the smell we knew that there were severl live organism in our

culture. We had two different niches in our culture: the top and the bottom. From our transect we collected clover leaves, grass,woodchips, soil, some snow, fallen leaves, and rocks covered in organic

materials. These are the materials that were on our Hay culture. On the Bottom of the Hay infusion I indetified  Paramicum Bursaria. It was 37mm long, motile, protozoa, it does not photosynthesize
but engulfs nutrints. The second orgaism on the botttom I interftyed was Gonium. It was flat, green, 500mm long, non-motile, algea. One of the orgainsms at the bottom was a Spirostomum where 

it was 25mm long, long narrow body similar to that of worms, and had no apparent filgella or cilia. I saw two orgiasm that we were not abke to indefity. The first had a round dark colored head and

long tail like a tadpole. This orgaism was not seen eating or interacting with other orgaisms. The second indetoified orgaism was 110mm in length and was clear in color, with a large mouth that

consumes water. It seemed to be swimming in only one direction.

Conlcuion: I thought that organismsis might differ in their niches. The orgaisms on the top would be more phototsynthtic because they need to absorb sunlight to make their nutrients ,while the

orgaisms at the bottom would need to be more motile because they would need to chace and consume their nutirnts. If the orgaimsm grew for another two months I would exspect there to be more

orgaims because they would multiple but then theire would be a low carrying cacity for the growth because the our culture is small

Microbiology and Identifying Bacteria with DNA Sequences-Lab 3

Hay Infusion Culture Observations:

-smelled really bad and there appeared to be a top layer of film on the surface of the water

-the grass and leaves appeared to float while the soil sunk to the bottom


Purpose: The purpose of the lab was to examine and be able to tell the distinct characteristics of different types of bacteria within our transect and to test which bacteria are antibiotic resistant to
