User:Gabrielle A. Kean/Notebook/Biology 210 at AU

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01/22/2015 Observing and Identifying Unicellular Eukarya in Transect 3

Purpose: The purpose of this lab was to observe and identify any unicellular eukaryotic organisms, such as protists or algae in Transect 3. Identifying which organisms are present can then determine the carrying capacities in each particular niche.

Materials and Methods: For the purpose of this lab two wet mounts were made with samples from two different parts of the 500 mL Hay Infusion. The first wet mount was drawn from life onto of the Hay Infusion, while the second wet mount was drawn from the bottom of the Hay Infusion. A microscope was used to observe organisms on both wet mounts and a dichotomous key was used to identify the organisms.

Data and Observations: The Hay Infusion smelt murky, like a stagnant water or still pond. A murky brown film, possibly composed of mold, sat on top. The bottom of the Hay Infusion was more translucent with scattered brown clumps, the berry that was collected, and some plant life.

Table 1: Unicellular Eukarya Organisms found in the Hay Infusion

01/15/2015 Transect 3 and its Components

Purpose: The purpose of this lab was to observe a transect and the ecosystem that composes it. Observing this transect is very important in for it provides understanding of the intricate relationships between each biotic and abiotic component along with the niche it inhabits.

Materials and Methods: For the purpose of this lab, a 20 by 20 meter transect was observed. 12 grams of soil and 1 berry from the transect was collected with the use of a sterile 50 mL conical tube. The 12 grams of soil was mixed with 500 mLs of deepark water and .1 gm of dried milk was added and mixed for 10 seconds.

Data and Observations:

Table 1: Abiotic and Biotic Components of Transect 3 File:Users/gabriellekean/Desktop/Screen Shot 2015-01-25 at 10.57.02 PM.png.jpg

This list of Abiotic and Biotic Components were taken from transect 3 located between Bender Arena and Hughes Hall at American University.

Image 1: Drawing of Transect

Image 2: Photo of Transect

Conclusions and Future Directions: Transect 3 was composed of multifarious components, both biotic and abiotic. These components come together to make the ecosystem between Bender Arena and Hughes Hall. Future experiments will be conducted to identify the organisms living in the transect in order to more understand the specifics of this ecosystem.



I am a Public Health major with an intended minor in business administration.


01/25/2015 Tranethods: For the purpose of this lab, a 20 by 20 meter transect was observed. 12 grams of soil and 1 berry from the transect was collected with the use of a sterile 50 mL conical tube. The 12 grams of soil was mixed with 500 mLs of deepark water and .1 gm of dried milk was added and mixed for 10 seconds.

Data and Observations:

Table 1: Abiotic and Biotic Components of Transect 3 File:Users/gabriellekean/Desktop/Screen Shot 2015-01-25 at 10.57.02 PM.png.jpg

This list of Abiotic and Biotic Components were taken from transect 3 located between Bender Arena and Hughes Hall at American University.

Image 1: Drawing of Transect

Image 2: Photo of Transect

Conclusions and Future Directions: Transect 3 was composed of multifarious components, both biotic and abiotic. These components come together to make the ecosystem between Bender Arena and Hughes Hall. Future experiments will be conducted to identify the organisms living in the transect in order to more understand the specifics of this ecosystem.