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主持项目(as PI)

  1. Spatially engineering the metabolic enzymes in L-Phe biosynthesis, Natural Science Foundation of China, PI ( L-苯丙氨酸的代谢酶空间组织工程研究,国家自然科学基金(青年基金),No.:3100054,2011.1-2013.12,负责人)
  2. The glutathionalytion of alcohol dehydrogenase from Candida utilis under oxidative stress , Initiative Fund of Jiangnan University, PI ( 氧化胁迫产朊假丝酵母醇脱氢酶的谷胱甘肽化研究,引进人才启动项目,No.: -,2009-1011,负责人)
  3. Construction of L-phe producer strain with RED recombination and Kan/sacB selective marker,Jiangnan University, PI (利用RED重组和Kan/sacB选择标签构建L-苯丙氨酸生产菌株,教育部高校科研基本业务费(青年探索基金,江南大学),No.: JUSRP10917,2009-2011,负责人)z
  4. Novel technology for Large‐scale expression and purification of non-fusion recombinant protein based on the ELP-Intein system,Key Lab of industrial Biotechnology, MOE, PI (基于ELP-Intein体系的新型非融合重组蛋白规模化表达纯化技术,工业生物技术教育部重点实验室开放课题,No.: KLIB-KF201004,2011-2012,负责人)

参与项目(as Participant)

  1. Studies on preclinical pharmaceutics and pharmacological mechanism of the recombinant anti-tumor protein TmSm\Recombinant protein TmSm as theraputic agent and its preclinical study in pharmacology and pharmacokinetics of its anti-cancer activity, Science &Technology Action of Shanghai City, Shanghai Bureau for Science and Technology,No.:14431904300, 2014.7-2017.9, Key participant (抗肿瘤重组蛋白TmSm临床前药剂学与药理机制研究, 上海市科技局科技行动计划项目,编号:14431904300, 2014.7-2017.9, 参与人)
  2. Anti-Survivin nanobody prepared with engineered yeast and its activity in antitumor and on stem cells, Municipal Supports for Pujiang Scholors of Shanghai City,Key participant (存活素纳米抗体(Survivin-Nb)工程化酵母制备与抗肺癌及其干细胞活性研究, 上海市人才计划项目,“浦江人才”项目,编号:F200-2R-13110,2013.09.01-2015.8.31,参与人)
  3. (解脂亚洛酵母代谢网络异位重构强化alpha-酮戊二酸积累,自然科学基金面上项目,编号:C31171638,2012.1-2015.12,主要参与人)
  4. Study on an Environment-friendly Expression System Based on PFLD1 Promoter from Pichia Pastoris, funded by Natural Science Fund Committee of Shanghai( 基于毕赤酵母PFLD1启动子的“绿色”基因表达体系的研究,上海市自然科学基金项目,编号:05ZR14033,2006.1-2007.9,参与人)
  5. Pilot-Scale Research on TAT-Survivin Mutant and Preparation of Test Kit to Detect Highly Hazardous HPV, Bureau of Science and Technology of Shanghai(基因工程抗癌新药TAT-Survivin突变体的中试研究与高危HPV检测试剂盒研究,上海市生物医药科技攻关重点项目,编号:054319928,2006.1-2007.12,参与人)
  6. Platform technologies for large-scale production of protein drug using microbial expression system, Ministry of Science and Technology of China(生物技术制药重大专项“微生物表达蛋白药物规模化制备平台技术”,科技部“863”计划,编号:2004AA2Z3801,参与人)
  7. Preparation of Immunological Test Kit to Detect Mycotoxin DON (Deoxynivalenol, DON) in Agricultural Products, Bureau of Science and Technology, Fujian Province(农产品中真菌毒素DON免疫检测试剂盒的开发,福建省科技厅项目,2001-2003,参与人)

其他 (Others)

  1. Novel high efficient DNA ligation system, Creation Practice of Undergraduate Student, No.:x14019, 2014.12-2015.12, Team: Xie Ye, Xue Jiayun, Shi Xiaona, Xu Ying, Director ( 高效DNA连接体系的创建, 大学生创新实践活动,编号:X14019, 成员:谢晔,薛佳韵,师晓娜,许滢,指导者:王天文)