The BioBricks Foundation:Standards/Technical/PoBoL/Owl Draft 0.1: Difference between revisions

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(New page: <pre> @prefix bbf: <> . @prefix formats: <> . @prefix knightlab: <http://xxx/knight/people#> . @prefix endylab:...)
(No difference)

Revision as of 07:55, 14 May 2008

@prefix bbf:  <> .
@prefix formats: <> .
@prefix knightlab:    <http://xxx/knight/people#> .
@prefix endylab:    <http://xxx/knight/people#> .
@prefix :  <#> .

       bbf:dnaSequence    "ATGXX";
       bbf:format      formats:1_0;

       bbf:shortDescription    "ccdb death switch";
       bbf:longDescription     "a negative selection marker";
       bbf:author              knightlab:tom;
       bbf:author              endylab:drew;
@prefix xsd:     <> .
@prefix rdfs:    <> .
@prefix rdf:     <> .
@prefix owl:     <> .
@prefix foaf:    <> .
@prefix :  <> .

## Definition of Biobrick Class and core Properties

       a        owl:Class;
       rdfs:subClassOf  owl:Thing;
       rdfs:label       "Biobrick";
       rdfs:comment     "description of a Biobrick";

       a       owl:InverseFunctionalProperty;
       a       owl:FunctionalProperty;
       rdfs:domain       :Biobrick;
       rdfs:range        xsd:string;
       rdfs:label       "sequence";

       a       owl:InverseFunctionalProperty;
       a       owl:FunctionalProperty;
       rdfs:domain       :Biobrick;
       rdfs:range        :BiobrickFormat;
       rdfs:label        "format";

       a       owl:InverseFunctionalProperty;
       a       owl:FunctionalProperty;
       rdfs:domain       :Biobrick;
#        rdfs:range       xsd:collection; ## haven't found the type for "collection of x" yet.
       rdfs:label       "Biobrick Composition";
       rdfs:comment     "a list of basic Biobricks this Biobrick is made of";

       a       owl:ObjectProperty;
       rdfs:domain      :Biobrick;
       rdfs:range       :BiobrickFamily;
       rdfs:label       "family";
       rdfs:comment     "group of related Biobricks to which this one belongs";

       ## Definition of add-on Biobrick Properties

       a        owl:ObjectProperty;
       rdfs:range       foaf:Person; #
       rdfs:domain      :Biobrick;

       a       owl:FunctionalProperty;
       rdfs:range       xsd:date;
       rdfs:domain      :Biobrick;

       a        owl:ObjectProperty;
       rdfs:range      xsd:string;  # PMID? DOI?
       rdfs:domain      :Biobrick;

       a       owl:FunctionalProperty;
       rdfs:range       xsd:string;
       rdfs:domain      :Biobrick;

       a       owl:FunctionalProperty;
       rdfs:range       xsd:string;
       rdfs:domain      :Biobrick;

## Definition of Biobrick physical Format class and properties

       a        owl:Class;
       rdfs:subClassOf  owl:Thing;
       rdfs:label       "Biobrick Format";
       rdfs:comment     "Biobrick Physical Assembly Format";

       a       owl:ObjectProperty;
       a       owl:FunctionalProperty;
       rdfs:range       xsd:string;
       rdfs:comment     "standard prefix sequence";
       rdfs:label       "Biobrick prefix";

       a       owl:ObjectProperty;
       a       owl:FunctionalProperty;
       rdfs:range       xsd:string;
       rdfs:comment     "standard suffix sequence";
       rdfs:label       "Biobrick suffix";

:shortDescription       rdfs:domain     :BiobrickFormat. # described above
:longDescription        rdfs:domain     :BiobrickFormat.

## Biobrick subclasses

       a       owl:Class;
       rdfs:subClassOf  :Biobrick;

       a       owl:Class;
       rdfs:subClassOf  :Biobrick;

       a       owl:Class;
       rdfs:subClassOf  :Biobrick;

       a       owl:FunctionalProperty;
       rdfs:range       xsd:boolean;
       rdfs:domain      :BiobrickVector;
       rdfs:comment     "circular DNA flag";
       rdfs:label       "is circular?";

       a       owl:Class;
       rdfs:subClassOf  :Biobrick;

## Physical DNA class and properties

       a       owl:Class;
       rdfs:subClassOf owl:Thing;
       rdfs:comment     "description of an actual piece of DNA";
       rdfs:label       "Physical DNA";

       a       owl:FunctionalProperty;
       rdfs:domain      :DNA;
       rdfs:range       :Vector;
       rdfs:label       "vector";

       a       owl:FunctionalProperty;
       rdfs:domain      :DNA;
       rdfs:range       :Biobrick;
       rdfs:label       "insert";
       rdfs:comment     "biobrick embedded in a vector";

## minimal Sample description

       a       owl:Class;
       rdfs:subClassOf owl:Thing;
       rdfs:comment     "description of a sample in a freezer or elsewhere";
       rdfs:label       "sample";

:date   rdfs:domain     :Sample .  # defined in more detail above

       a       owl:FunctionalProperty;
       a       owl:InverseFunctionalProperty;
       rdfs:domain      :Sample;
       rdfs:range       :DNA;
       rdfs:label       "physical DNA";
       rdfs:comment     "DNA content of a sample";

## Biobrick Family

       a       owl:Class;
       rdfs:subClassOf owl:Thing;
       rdfs:comment     "description of a group of related Biobricks";
       rdfs:label       "Biobrick Family";

       a       owl:FunctionalProperty;
       a       owl:InverseFunctionalProperty;
       rdfs:domain      :BiobrickFamily;
       rdfs:range       xsd:string;
       rdfs:label       "name";
       rdfs:comment     "a name";

       a       owl:ObjectProperty;
       rdfs:domain      :BiobrickFamily;
       rdfs:range       :BiobrickFamily;
       rdfs:label       "super Family";
       rdfs:comment     "0 or more parent families";

:shortDescription       rdfs:domain     :BiobrickFamily. # as defined above
:longDescription        rdfs:domain     :BiobrickFamily.
:author                 rdfs:domain     :BiobrickFamily.
:date                   rdfs:domain     :BiobrickFamily.
:reference              rdfs:domain     :BiobrickFamily.