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Please, put your comments below. It will help to improve this wikipage [[User:Darek Kedra|darked]] 09:20, 18 September 2014 (EDT)
Since we have students at the vastly various levels when it comes to bioinformatics, we will rush through few points necessary for the so far unexposed to these tasks people to comprehend the steps. But to make sure that we all return home able to use the IGV, we will start with it, and then go through other steps.
Feel free to skip anything too obvious and continue to play with other parts of this tutorial.
=Mapping Illumina reads to the genome =
==basic mapping steps==
* indexing
Before we can use the genome for mapping we have to transform it into a format specific for each of the mappers allowing for much faster search and lower memory usage. This is often called indexing, but to make things worse indexing fasta with samtools is not the same as indexing with bwa, bowtie etc.
* mapping
This is often the longest step, with options specific for each mapper
* postprocessing
The output of the mappers is seldom directly usable by downstream programs, which often use sorted and indexed BAM files. So we need to transform the mapper output (often SAM, but sometimes different format (MAF for LAST, MAP for GEM) to get such BAM files.
BWA is a the default mapper used by state of the art SNP calling GATK pipeline. There are some mappers which on some statistics may be better or equal but faster than BWA, but it is still a safe choice for doing genetic mapping. The main problem of BWA is mapping of paired reads: once one read is mapped to a good location, the second read seems to be placed close to this read (taking into account the insert size) even if the mapping would be very doubtful. This may not be a problem for GATK, since mapping qualities and flags are being accounted for, but one should keep this in mind when doing any analysis of the mapping results on your own.
Currently BWA can use 3 different algorithms, each one with some limits and strong points. Here is the overview:
* Illumina reads up to 100bp: BWA-BACKTRACK (the legacy bwa)
commands: "bwa aln" followed by bwa samse/sampe
* sequences from 70bp up to 1Mbp:
** Illumina data: "BWA-MEM"
(seeding alignments with maximal exact matches (MEMs) and then extending seeds with the affine-gap Smith-Waterman algorithm (SW))
command: bwa mem
** very long reads/contigs: "BWA-SW" (Smith Waterman)
command: bwa bwasw
BWA has two different genome indexing algorithms:
* IS (compatible with aln and mem), the default indexing (or: "bwa index -a is"
* SW (for SW only): "bwa index bwtsw" 
Please note that SW indexing (and therefore mapping using SW by BWA) does not work for short genomes
#creating genome index
bwa index -p ref.bwa_is  ref.fa
#mapping single end reads using MEM algorithm
bwa mem ref.bwa_is  reads.fq > reads.bwa_mem.sam
#mapping paired end reads using MEM algorithm
bwa mem ref.bwa_is reads_1.fq reads_2.fq > reads_12.bwa_mem.sam
#mapping single and reads
bwa aln ref.bwa_is short_read.fq > short_read.bwa_aln.sai
bwa samse ref.bwa_is short_read.bwa_aln.sai short_read.fq > short_read.bwa_aln.sam
#mapping paired reads
bwa aln ref.bwa_is  short_read_1.fq > short_read_1.bwa_aln.sai
bwa aln ref.bwa_is  short_read_2.fq > short_read_2.bwa_aln.sai
bwa sampe ref.bwa_is  short_read_1.bwa_aln.sai  short_read_2.bwa_aln.sai  short_read_1.fq  short_read_2.fq >  short_read_12.bwa_aln.sam
#mapping long reads using bwasw algorithm
bwa index -p ref.bwa_sw -a bwtsw ref.fa
bwa bwasw ref.bwa_sw long_read.fq > long_read.bwa_sw.sam
The mode currently recommended for mapping by BWA manual and the leading SNP calling software called GATK is MEM.
To create usable BAM files we can process SAM files using Picard's SortSam
java -jar /path/to/SortSam.jar \
I=reads_vs_reference.bwa.unsorted.sam \
O=reads_vs_reference.bwa.sorted.bam \
For subsequent processing the mapping files with GATK (SNP calling) it is easier to introduce necessary information at the mapping stage, than run an extra step using picard. What is required by GATK is so called reads group info. We will cover it later, but at this stage is good to know that bwa can be run with extra parameters saving us one extra step.
#below is the example read group info needed to be passed to bwa on the command line:
#here is the mapping step where in the place of string in <> we put group info from above.
#different samples should have different group info, like this:
bwa mem -M -R '@RG\tID:group1\tSM:sample1\tPL:illumina\tLB:lib1\tPU:unit1' ref_gen.bwa_is myreads_1.fq myreadst_2.fq > myreads_12_vs_refgen.bwa_mem.rg.sam
web site:
current version: 475 (Sep 2014)
This is less popular but sometimes quite useful mapper reporting unique mappings only. It can handle large number of mismatches and it simply remove the non-matching parts of the read, as long as what is left is sufficient to secure unique mapping.
It can also be used to map very long reads, and even genome to genome (but then one has to index the genome differently).
Standard usage:
#create samtools fasta index used to insert FASTA header sequence info in SAM 2 BAM. Creates ref_genome.fa.fai
samtools faidx ref_genome.fa
#index ref_genome for last, with a preference for short, exact matches
lastdb -m1111110  ref_genome.lastdb ref_genome.fa
#map short reads with Sanger (Q1) quality encoding, with the alignment score 120 (e120), then filter the output for 150 threshold (s150). See the for more info
lastal -Q1 -e120 ref_genome.lastdb  input_reads.fastq  | -s150 > input_reads_vs_ref_genome.last.maf
#convert from MAF to SAM format sam  input_reads_vs_ref_genome.last.maf >  input_reads_vs_ref_genome.last.sam
#convert SAM to BAM inserting header
samtools view -but ref_genome.fa.fai  input_reads_vs_ ref_genome.last.sam -o input_reads_vs_ref_genome.last.unsorted.bam
#sort BAM
samtools sort input_reads_vs_ref_genome.last.unsorted.bam input_reads_vs_ ref_genome.last.sorted
#create BAM index (input_reads_vs_ ref_genome.last.sorted.bam.bai)
samtools index input_reads_vs_ref_genome.last.sorted.bam
'''CAVEAT''': this LAST pipeline does not compute mapping quality values comparable with other mappers.
=Genomes comparisons using LAST=
The proper multiple genome alignment is a complex procedure often mildly successful with fragmented assemblies. Quick but less accurate solution is to compare to our genome of interest, L.mexicana, few other Leishmania genomes to get the information about level of conservation/SNPs. The end goal is to compare short read mapping results with other genomes alignment.
#create LAST genome index
lastdb Lmex_genome.last Lmex_genome.fa
#genome 2 genome alignment
lastal  Lmex_genome.last Lmaj_genome.fa |  last-split > Lmaj_genome_v_Lmex80.lst475.maf
#convert from MAF format to SAM sam Lmaj_genome_v_Lmex80.lst475.maf > Lmaj_genome_v_Lmex80.lst475.sam
#fix missing SAM header with Lmex_genome.fa.fai file and samtools creating BAM
samtools view -but Lmex_genome.fa.fai  Lmaj_genome_v_Lmex80.lst475.sam -o
#sort BAM
samtools sort Lmaj_genome_v_Lmex80.lst475.sorted
#index BAM
samtools index Lmaj_genome_v_Lmex80.lst475.sorted.bam
We can repeat this procedure with other genomes, but only for the similar genomes this makes sense. In our case, despite that L.amazonensis and L.enriettii belong to the Leishmania mexicana species complex  (according to NCBI taxonomy),  L.enriettii seems to be more distant to L.mexicana than L.major.
=SNP discovery=
==GATK pipeline==
Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) from Broad is the de facto standard for detecting Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs). There are very good and extensive manuals available on their site:
This is the step by step procedure to follow their best practice.
To check with current version
'''Caveat''': GATK requires that you have more than one sequence in your reference genome. If not, it reports a strange error about wrong IUPAC (sequence character).
====Prerequisites ====
* reference genome fasta file
* reference genome index
samtools faidx Lmex_genome.fa
Result: Lmex_genome.fa.fai
* reference genome dictionary
java -jar ~/soft/picard_1.119/CreateSequenceDictionary.jar R=Lmex_genome.fa O=Lmex_genome.dict
Result: Lmex_genome.dict
* BAM file preferably bwa mapped (from previous steps)
GATK requires meta information in BAM files to work. This information is often not there after performing the mappings.
If we have not done it during the mapping with bwa, we can still fix it easily with AddOrReplaceReadGroups from picard:
java -jar  ~/soft/picard_1.119/AddOrReplaceReadGroups.jar \
I=LmxM.01_ERR307343_12.Lmex.bwa_mem.Lmex.bam \
O=LmxM.01_ERR307343_12.Lmex.bwa_mem.Lmex.rg.bam \
RGID=ERR307343 RGPL=Illumina RGLB=ERR307343_lib  RGPU=ERR307343_pu RGSM=ERR307343_sm \
===Mark duplicates ===
At this stage we have mapped reads with group info as BAM. The next step is to mark duplicate reads (~PCR artifacts) in this file. We can almost always use CREATE_INDEX=true, so we do not need to run extra indexing when using some Picard utilities
java -jar ~/soft/picard_1.118/MarkDuplicates.jar \
I=LmxM.01_ERR307343_12.Lmex.bwa_mem.Lmex.rg.bam \ \
METRICS_FILE=LmxM.01_ERR307343_12.Lmex.bwa_mem.Lmex.rg.bam.metrics CREATE_INDEX=true
===Realign read around indels ===
After getting marked duplicated reads, the next step is to realign read around indels. This is being done in two steps. Also at this stage it becomes more and more cumbersome to execute these steps as commands on the command line. The solution is to cut and paste them into script files, then change the script permission and execute them instead.
'''CAVEAT''': notice the small -o in the command
#computing intervals in which reads will be realigned
java -jar  ~/soft/GATK_3.2.2/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar  -T RealignerTargetCreator \
-R Lmex_genome.fa \
-I \
java -jar  ~/soft/GATK_3.2.2/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar  -T IndelRealigner \
-R Lmex_genome.fa \
-I \
-targetIntervals  \
-o  \
The recommended Best Practices step here is to run base re-calibration, meaning that the base quality is being re-estimated after taking into account mapping results. It adds several steps, and while it may be worthwhile, Illumina got better at estimating base qualities of it reads, so the results may not justify the extra complexity.
Another optional (by Best Practices) step is to reduce the complexity of the BAM. Since it is not necessary, we will skip it this time, but it is recommended to run it when dealing with multiple / large data sets.
===Call mutations (SNPs) ===
#SNP only:
java -jar  ~/soft/GATK_3.2.2/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar  -T UnifiedGenotyper \
-R Lmex_genome.fa \
-I  \
#SNP + indels
java -jar  ~/soft/GATK_3.2.2/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar  -T UnifiedGenotyper \
-R Lmex_genome.fa \
-I  \
-o \
--genotype_likelihoods_model BOTH

Latest revision as of 06:20, 18 September 2014

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