SBB11Ntbk-Averee Chang

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Averee Chang 15:56, 18 February 2011 (EST)

I gel purified the part I digested with EcoRI and BamHI, jtk2914, using the protocol Zymo Gel Purification.

My PCR product came back today (the one I re-did yesterday to make parts P-narP and P-sfmC) and I am currently running an analytical gel to ensure that my part got successfully amplified. To prepare for the analytical gel, I added 2.5 μL of blue dye and 6μL of the part for each part

Averee Chang 13:03, 3 February 2011 (EST)

Tuesday (February 15): Did a PCR to make P_narP from oligos ss34F, ss34R and P_sfmC from oligos ss52F,ss52R. Today, my PCR yield had too little volume (probably due to a loose cap on the PCR tube) and I re-did the PCR for both of them today using protocol Cloning by PCR

Today, along with re-doing the two PCRs, I digested part jtk2914 from pBjh1601KC-jtk2914 using EcoRI and BamHI. After doing a preparation gel, I cut out the larger band of the two and melted the agarose gel and froze it in box "C." I digested with EcoRI/BamHI and underwent the preparation gel using EcoRI/BamHI Digest of PCR Products