Proportal Strains

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Strain Discussion

More new genomes coming

The 96 .gbk files on the Darwin cluster are at:/scratch/kashtan/Annotated/BATS_ALL/

Another batch of genomes

All of the new genomes are on Darwin, at /home/sbiller/newgenomes... in there are subdirectories for the FASTA files of contigs, the RAST annotation genbank files, and the amino acid sequences as determined by RAST.


Case closed.


Here is a feature that needed to be added to the genome of the phage P-SSP6.

    gene            complement(33508..33801)
                    /note="Manually added and annotated 09-15-11 by SJL"
    CDS             complement(33508..33801)
                    /product="High light inducible protein"
                    /note="Manually added and annotated 09-15-11 by SJL"

The GenBank file of P-SSP6 is attached.


Here's the Broad FTP for P-SSS3, there's no Genbank file but there is some annotation: