Natalie Williams Week 10

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Outline of Nonlinear differential equation model for quantification of transcriptional regulation applied to microarray data of Saccharomyces cerevisiae


  • Gene regulation makes a working copy of the genetic information of DNA sequences into proteins and/or functional RNAs.
    • Promoting regions must be recognized by transcription regulatory proteins which bind RNA polymerase to the DNA strand.
  • Microarray developments have made it easier to follow the changes of the cell's gene expression over time.
    • Analyzing this microarray data, we could better understand the relationships between genes and their transcription factor regulators.
    • Because these relationships collectively form a network among the genes, it should be possible to construct networks by studying the results of microarray data.
  • Budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, has been studied extensively in the lab.
    • There is a lot of knowledge about its genome.
    • Expression data was collected and analyzed to figure out what genes were being used at a specific stage of the cell cycle.
    • Genes were grouped based on where their regulators bound to promoter regions.
  • Methods in which networks were produced previously:
    • A generalized linear model was going to be created to described regulators and guess the pattern of regulators and their target genes.
    • A kinetic model with Bayesian networks was used to predict gene regulatory networks as well as the proteins that regulate genes expression.
    • Including both information from the genome and gene expression data named another method to predicting networks.
      • Another research furthered this method by using promoter regions or the sigma factor.
  • An alternative method used in this paper:
    • A model based on nonlinear differential equation model was used.
      • It called for all potential regulators
      • Genes from a group of potential regulators are picked and the model is applied to try to fit the gene expression results of the target genes.
      • This is done for all potential regulators
  • In this model:
    • There were 40 target genes;
    • 184 possible regulators were identified;
    • The data were analyzed using a linear model; and,
    • Results from the linear model were compared to that of the nonlinear differential equation system to see how well it predicted the target genes' profiles.


Dynamic model of transcriptional control

  • For the model, an assumption that there is repeated interactions between regulators and target genes over time.
    • The model also assumes there is combinatorial control among the regulators for target genes.

[Equation 1]

  • yj: expression level regulators
  • wj: regulatory weights
  • g: regulator effect of a specific gene
  • j =1,2,...m, where m is number of regulators controlling a gene
  • b: parameter for transcription initiation delay/unspecific bias caused by regulator effects associated with gene expression

Rate of expression of target gene (dz/dt) is given by regulatory effects of other genes ρ & the effect of degradation x. [Equation2]

  • Degradation is shown with a first order chemical reaction --> x = k*z
  • ρ = regulatory effect g of regulators transformed by a sigmoidal transfer

The entire model for control of target gene expression z: [Equation 3]

  • k2: rate of degradation of target gene product
  • k1: rate of expression

However, Equation 3 can be simplified to Equation 4 [Equation 4]

  • y is approximated with a polynomial of degree n

[Approximation of y]

  • Coefficients were taken from experimental gene expression data using a least squares approximation.
  • An assumption that all the weight errors for all points were the same.
  • The simplified version - Equation 4 - was used to figure out regulators of the target genes
  • n has to be chosen to represent the large amounts of changes in gene expression for each individual experiment

These expression profiles Z {z(t)} for the target and Y {y(t)} for regulating genes measure at time points ranging from 1,2...Q were used to look at and analyze the gene profiles to minimize the average square error. [Equation 6]

  • {z^c(t)}: altered profile of z(t) for all Z at time points t=1,2,...Q,
  • Q: data points calculated from Equation 4

The issue began to focus on how to get the best results with the minimal amount of error.
The [linear model] was then compared to the nonlinear model.

  • The parameters (d) came from the minimization of errors in function 6.

Computational algorithm

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