Natalie Williams: Electronic Notebook

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Natalie Williams: Electronic Notebook

Protocol for MATLAB

This page will help you input and run data sets from your document into an output.

Electronic Notebook

September 2014

September 18, 2014

Data Set Up
Openwetware familiarization: I became familiar with openwetware code and programing
MATLAB procedure: the MATLAB procedure that was written contains the instructions in using it to receive the output with the optimization network weights of the system.

Ten random networks were made from the original network.

  • The original network Excel file was used, and each cell on the network sheet had the following formula in it:
    • =IF(RAND()<0.1134,1,0)
  • This procedure was done ten times to get these ten random networks
  • Each network was saved as rand# (1 - 10)
September 25, 2014

The random network Excel files were put into MATLAB to be run to get the optimized weights of the network

  • The file is saved as the final name with _output.xls

Opening the file, the weights of these networks was found on the optimized_network_weights sheet.

Visualization of the Networks
These files had to be re-saved as .xlsx in order to upload them to GRNSight. GRNSight visualizes the networks and because there are varying numbers that suggest how much one gene controls another, the resulting output has different colors. After each individual random network was visualized, it was compared to the original network. For better analysis, the same order of the proteins was used to see the different connectivities.

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