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The number of scientific abstracts is increasing exponentially (semi-log scale), doubling about every 15 years.

Journals are a key element of scientific life. A partly public source of information, the end point of a project, and a measure of researcher productivity. The first was published in 1665 and many new ones appear every year with the number of publications growing at just under 5% per year [1]. Current debate regarding journals revolves principally around the issues of increasing subscription costs and lack of open access to mostly publicly funded scientific results.


The first scientific journals were founded in 17th century Europe, at a time of Louis XIV, Baroque art, extensive warfare, and the Scientific Revolution. In January 1665, the French publication Journal des sçavans (journal of savants) was the first on the scene with a mix of science, history, and law, morphing later into a literary journal which no longer publishes significant scientific results. 3 months later the English Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society started publishing, philosophical referring to natural philosophy which would now be called science. The journal is still active [2] and can be considered the world's oldest exclusively scientific journal.

  • 1960s: peer review, although a much older concept, is becoming widespread; Nature institutes peer review in 1967
  • 1964: MEDLARS, predecessor of PubMed, launched; computerized search of a huge public repository of abstracts becomes possible
  • 1990s: electronic-only journals (i.e. no printed version) start being published list of E-only journals
  • 1991: 1st free scientific online archive
  • 1997: PubMed offers internet access to the huge MEDLINE repository
  • 2006: 1st video journal JoVE

Alphabetical listing of journals

Here is a collection of journals split into separate pages based on the first letter of the journal name. The list includes the full journal title and the standard abbreviation of the journal title.

Journals | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

See also