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Revision as of 08:32, 13 February 2012 by Jeffrey E. Barrick (talk | contribs)
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Your score for these 500 pts in the course will be the average of your score for each topic that you present over the course of the semester. Note that a topic score includes components from the 1st Week: Initial presentation of topic and from 2nd Week: Updates to topic and responses to comments. You will have a chance to improve aspects of your presentation between weeks.

Wiki page (300 pts)

  • Sources (50 pts) - How appropriate are the scientific papers and other sources that were chosen for discussion?
    • Sources should generally be comprehensive, recent, important, or classic papers. Research until you find the key paper. Do not be satisfied with just any paper.
    • Often these will be in high profile journals (Science, Nature, PNAS for primary sources and Annual Reviews or Nature Reviews for review articles) or they might be highly cited papers, which you can check using Web of Science.
  • Content (150 pts) - Does the page summarize the important issues and points in the sources?
  • Formatting and Organization (30 pts) - Was appropriate Wiki markup used? Were useful figures included in the page? Is the overall organization of content in the page effective?
  • Topic updates (40 pts) - Are there appropriate responses to comments on the Talk page? Was the topic updated in response to criticism and questions?
  • Synthesis and evaluation (50 pts) - How well does the page synthesize the major topics discussed in the papers and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of a technique, part, or system?

Presentation (200 pts)

  • Content (80 pts) - Does the presentation communicate the key points of content on the web pages and add additional interesting details?
  • Organization (40 pts) - Does the presentation concisely communicate the key points in a logical order? Is the presenter an effective and engaging speaker?
  • Responses to questions (40 pts) - How well does the speaker show that they have a mastery of the topic when responding to questions?
  • Topic updates (40 pts) - Does the presenter concisely describe their important edits and the reasons for these edits to the rest of the class?

Total 500 pts