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     <td align="center" bgcolor="#F3F9F1"><p><strong>DESIGN</strong></p></td>
     <td align="center" bgcolor="#F3F9F1"><p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p></td>
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     <td align="center" bgcolor="#F3F9F1"><p>DISCUSSION</p></td>
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     <th colspan="3" align="left" class="js" scope="col"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2">
         <th width="684" align="left" scope="col"><span class="js">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Founded in 1895 as Peiyang University, Tianjin University (TJU)&nbsp;is the first university in China. As the pioneer of modern higher education in China, TJU has been committed to the mission of revitalizing this country through education ever since its foundation. Fighting arduously in keeping up with this mission,&nbsp;TJU proudly upholds the motto "Seeking Truth from Facts" while the faculty follows the guideline of precise learning and strict teaching.</span>&nbsp;</th>
         <th width="280" align="left" scope="col"><img src="94993a5f2779e069-f1d4e0646727bd83-7c626847d209d22731c2cf7f9e0ace0d_i.jpg" alt="" width="236" height="179" align="middle"></th>
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     <th colspan="2" align="left" class="js" scope="col">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; TJU  is also among the first group of universities to be included into the "211" and "985" Projects of national investment for developing world class universities. It has been a National Key University directly under the administration of the Ministry of Education of China. With the tradition of diligence and modesty, TU is&nbsp;on its way&nbsp;to meet challenges of building a world level university of excellence.</th>

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 <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2">
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     <th scope="col">&copy; COPYRIGHT  TJU BIOMOD TEAM 2014, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED</th>

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 <p><img src="450px-TJU-Team-Yuan.png" width="450" height="254"></p>
 <p><strong>Prof. Yingjin Yuan</strong><br>
 Professor Yingjin Yuan, vice president of Tianjin University, professor of pharmeceutical engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering and Technology.</p>

</div> <div id="apDiv21">

 <p><img src="450px-TJU-Libingzhi.jpg" width="450" height="253"></p>
 <p><strong>Dr. Bingzhi LI&nbsp;</strong><br>
 Dr. Lireceived his Ph.D. degree in biochemical engineering from Tianjin Universityand has been on the faculty at Tianjin University School since 2010.</p>

</div> <div id="apDiv22"></div> <div id="apDiv23">

 <p class="js">Yue Liu <br>
   major: Biological Engineering</p>
 <p class="js">Intro:I&rsquo;m crazy about synthetic biology for its concepts and application.You never know how strong you really are until being strong is the only choice you have      .</p>

</div> <div id="apDiv24">

 <p class="js">Haoran Zhang<br>
   Biological Engineering</p>

<span class="js"> Intro:I hope that I can enjoy it and learn from it. And I believe&nbsp;if you are passionate about something, pursue it, no matter what anyone else thinks. That's how dreams are achieved .</span></div> <div id="apDiv26">

 <p class="js">Yingnan Zhu<br>
   Biological Engineering</p>
 <p class="js">Intro:It is my pleasure to become a member of the BIOMOD competition and also glad to share with the dribs and drabs of the experiment and life.</p>

</div> <div id="apDiv27">

 <p class="js">Tiansheng Jin<br>
   Biological Engineering</p>
 <p class="js">Intro:Never underestimate your power to change yourself. I am developing myself to be a great man.</p>

</div> <div id="apDiv28">

 <p class="js">Yuan Liu<br>
   Biological Engineering</p>
 <p class="js">Intro:Participating in this challenging competition offers me a chance to do these creative works. "Where there is a will there is a way."</p>

</div> <div id="apDiv29">

 <p class="js">Chao Pan<br>
   Biological Engineering</p>
 <p class="js">Intro:The competition is intersting and exciting.&nbsp;Just make yourself a better person and know who you are.You cannot change what you refuse to confront.</p>

</div> <div id="apDiv30">

 <p class="js">Li Liu<br>
   Pharmaceutical Engineering</p>
 <p class="js">Intro:The most important thing is not what we get, but we are always together.Taking part in BIOMOD requires much devotion, but it&rsquo;s rewarding.</p>

</div> <div id="apDiv31">

 <p class="js">Yipengchen Yin<br>
   Pharmaceutical Engineering</p>
 <p class="js">Intro:It is a really pleasure to take part in BIOMOD.I understand that the perseverance can sometimes equal genius in its results.</p>

</div> <div id="apDiv32">

 <p class="js">Bihan Wu<br>
   Pharmaceutical Engineering</p>
 <p class="js">Intro: I feel that I am very lucky to work with my friends, from which I get a lot of knowledge and happiness. I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards.</p>

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