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Engineering from Zhejiang University in September of 2009 and joined Xiamen University in September
of 2009. I have been the major mentor for BIOMOD Xiamen University - Team Nanobiocat this summer. My 
research interests in multi-enzymatic reaction systems for biosynthesis, enzyme engineering and proteomic
and metabolic analyses. During her free time, she enjoys cooking, sailing, reading and travelling.</p>
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}else if(now=="fangbaishan"){ document.getElementById("name").innerHTML="Prof. Baishan Fang"; document.getElementById("msg").innerHTML="Dr. Baishan Fang is the professor in College of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering at Xiamen University. In the group of biocatalysis and biotransformation, his research mainly focuses on synthetic biology, mining and the transformation of the enzyme, construction of bio-molecular machines, the application of new biocatalysts. His major role of XMU BIOMOD team is to mentor for all and to enlighten the members."; }else if(now=="liaoxinyuan"){ document.getElementById("name").innerHTML="Daisy/ Wiki designer"; document.getElementById("msg").innerHTML="It could be hard to start at first, wish our endeavor deserved .Heart have how far, you can walk far, do a warm person, a small smile, gently love!!"; }else if(now=="yangruiqi"){ document.getElementById("name").innerHTML="RuiqiYang/ Wiki designer & Wiki maker"; document.getElementById("msg").innerHTML="I am a undergraduate of biological engineering, coming from a very hot city, Chongqing.I am particularly keen on smiling,which I take for my signature. I believe that smile has a strong power to warm hearts, handle with conflicts and give us courage. I am a girl of varied interests, travel, singing,reading,cate and sports make up my colorful spare life.In my group, I mainly take charge of the design of web and text edit. I do love my team and my teammates with whom I spent a really significative summer."; }else if(now=="zhangyanmei"){ document.getElementById("name").innerHTML="Yanmei Zhang/ Experiment & Protocols"; document.getElementById("msg").innerHTML="Hobbies: Reading and Table Tennis Favorite movie: Rain Man ;Favorite motto: You have to believe in yourself. That's the secret of success.You can call me Rita which is the logogram of Margarita.I learned a lot from Biomod, both the ability to acquire knowledge and collaborate with others. Now I am looking forward to the November trip to Harvard University, then I can make friends with you."; }else if(now=="guohao"){ document.getElementById("name").innerHTML="Gary/ Video maker"; document.getElementById("msg").innerHTML="A really funny fellow.Like camping and bicycling in his free. Do experiment in the beginning,and prepare the displaying document and video also. "; }else if(now=="zhangyonghui"){ document.getElementById("name").innerHTML="Yonghui Zhang/ Advisor"; document.getElementById("msg").innerHTML="PhD candidate of Institute of Biochemical Engineering of Xiamen University. 'Working with the team nanobiocat was an extraordinary experience and all the difficulties we faced together for the last few months inspired me to grow. '"; }else if(now=="zengxiaofei"){ document.getElementById("name").innerHTML="Shira/ Assistant & Dubber"; document.getElementById("msg").innerHTML="My English name is Shira which is the name of a princess in a cartoon. Except finishing daily work in the team, I prefer watching American series and films to relax myself. I also like playing piano and painting during vacations. This is my first time to participate in a world class competition and I am really exciting about the presentation. Although it is our school first time take part in Biomod, I hope that I can communicate with other teams’ members to improve myself and make new friends."; }else if(now=="huangyan"){ document.getElementById("name").innerHTML="Yan Huang/ Prepare material & Experiment"; document.getElementById("msg").innerHTML="Hobby: play piano, sing songs, traveling and swimmingIt’s an interesting biological competition. I learn some knowledge from involving in it. I love it!"; }else if(now=="huangyongchun"){ document.getElementById("name").innerHTML="Huang Yongchun/ Prepare material & Experiment"; document.getElementById("msg").innerHTML="He has great passions in many things. And he often goes to play basketball with his classmates and goes hiking on weekends."; }else if(now=="liupeize"){ document.getElementById("name").innerHTML="Peize Liu/ Experiment & Provide data support"; document.getElementById("msg").innerHTML="A student in the Department of Chemical Engineering. I’m a real girl, but my character is more like a boy though I’ll never admit this fact. The great-hearted girl has quite a series of interests: movies,martial arts novel,laws,travel etc. Particularly, stay in the lab this summer make her master the unique skill----wash the cuvette neatly."; }else if(now=="zhengchuqiang"){ document.getElementById("name").innerHTML="Chuqiang Zheng/ Experiment & The recorder"; document.getElementById("msg").innerHTML="A sign up writer of a literature site, who is adept in depicting fantastic and thriller suspense tales. You wanna hear a story? Please make friends with me. This is my first year to participate in the BIOMOD, I’m primarily involved in the purification of the enzyme which is one key to the whole experiment's success."; }else if(now=="jiangyiping"){ document.getElementById("name").innerHTML="Jiang Yiping/ Experiment"; document.getElementById("msg").innerHTML="A man from Qingdao;Hobby: do experiment, sleep."; }else if(now=="zhangrong"){ document.getElementById("name").innerHTML="Vera / Experiment"; document.getElementById("msg").innerHTML="I am a responsible and careful girl, I work in the lab for a long time and learn a lot in the lab. I take charge of protein purify the link and crystallization of two enzymes."; } } } } </script> <!--滑动信息--> <script> function go(){ var t,tt; var _div=document.getElementById("show"); var obj=_div.getElementsByTagName('p')[0]; //var obj=document.getElementById("msg");"-380px"; var change=function(){ var obj_h=parseInt(; if(obj_h<-4){*0.1))+"px"}//if else{clearInterval(t)} } var back=function(){ var obj_hh=parseInt(; if(obj_hh>-380){*0.1))+"px"} else{clearInterval(tt)} }


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