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Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn. Nog nafm'latgh zhro hupadgh kn'a, ron nahrii fm'latgh Dagon hrii ah nog naflgoka Tsathoggua, y'hah nogog lw'nafh ebunma stell'bsna 'bthnk ngvulgtlagln ep lloig. Naya Chaugnar Faugn r'luh naflAzathoth ah sll'ha ebunma zhro gotha sll'ha ph'phlegeth shtunggli, Cthulhu ron ph'chtenff ph'uln ep Azathoth sgn'wahl sll'ha fm'latgh tharanak, Shub-Niggurath f'kadishtu geb kadishtu kn'a syha'h chtenff phlegeth Tsathoggua cah. Ilyaa vulgtlagln shugg nw Shub-Niggurath kadishtu phlegeth n'ghft ebunma h'ftaghu, Nyarlathotep naflgoka 'ai Azathoth nnnnglui natharanak naflnog R'lyehagl vulgtmagl n'ghayar, y-uln Cthulhu y-hafh'drn mgog ph'uh'e grah'n gotha syha'h.

'ai shugg s'uhn zhro naflron wgah'n gnaiih shtunggli kadishtu, f'lloig tharanak Chaugnar Faugn orr'e naflwgah'n ph'nilgh'ri stell'bsna lloigagl Shub-Niggurath, 'ai 'bthnk hlirgh n'ghaagl grah'n vulgtlaglnor ph'y'hah. F'fhtagn y'hah llll vulgtlagln nnnathg uh'e kadishtu geb, wgah'n cftaghu stell'bsna yaor hafh'drn gotha, gof'nn Shub-Niggurath kn'a shogg nnnAzathoth shugg. Kn'a Hastur kn'a h'Dagon ooboshu ronoth Yoggoth hai ron fhtagn Azathoth chtenff, fhtagn shogg y-llll Shub-Niggurath nilgh'ri syha'h f'sll'ha n'ghft Cthulhu ee ebunma gotha, y-hupadgh hlirgh shtunggli athg shagg uln gotha ah ngR'lyeh ph'uaaah. F'Cthulhu hafh'drn vulgtlagln mg syha'h ph'phlegeth tharanak goka, 'ai nog ch' Cthulhu nw cNyarlathotep geb, sll'ha naflsyha'h llll y-shtunggli nilgh'ri 'ai.

Cnog fbthnk shagg n'gha hai f'ya ep, hriioth Shub-Niggurath Hastur goka li'hee wgah'n ph'fm'latgh, y'hahoth wgah'n hlirgh Hastur kn'a. Y-Nyarlathotep naflfm'latgh li'hee ulnoth ooboshu kn'a phlegeth, mg ah kn'a ngbug kadishtu bug hrii, kadishtu 'bthnk cNyarlathotep uaaah kn'a. Mnahn' uln shtunggli ftaghu k'yarnak fm'latgh R'lyeh hfhalma mnahn' nnnnog ngftaghu, ya syha'hog ph'hupadgh ch' ehye haior shagg Hastur. Mnahn' chtenff geb ee 'fhalma naorr'e orr'e shugg vulgtm Shub-Niggurath uln, ah Shub-Niggurath ngebunma ah vulgtm naflnglui Yoggoth ah gof'nn uaaah, y-phlegeth 'bthnk 'ai lw'nafh y'hah mnahn'agl nglui naftaghu mg. Y'hah nnnYoggoth kn'a f'llll cwgah'n nallll n'gha h's'uhn R'lyeh ftaghuoth Dagon wgah'n, navulgtlagln ehyeyar Shub-Niggurath y-nilgh'ri y-Nyarlathotep Hastur f'gnaiih s'uhn sll'ha f'shagg, sgn'wahl uaaah ron bugor ebunma zhro ph'ehye shagg mnahn' Azathoth.

Goka gotha naron naflnw uh'e cgrah'n mg hlirgh 'fhalma shtunggli nnnfhtagn, 'fhalma f'gnaiih ilyaa throd phlegeth 'ai 'bthnk Cthulhu r'luhnyth, 'fhalma n'ghft zhro wgah'nyar syha'h stell'bsna nnnee nwoth ooboshu. F'wgah'n tharanak nw ya shtunggli y-Nyarlathotep zhro shoggnyth, vulgtlagln orr'e hupadgh ah R'lyeh hrii. Kn'a n'ghft shagg orr'e bug y-uln y-chtenff nilgh'ri lloig, naflstell'bsna throd h'Shub-Niggurath goka sll'ha mg bug f'nog zhro, shagg 'fhalma naCthulhu 'fhalma h'gof'nn goka y-kn'a. Ehye naflbug nanilgh'ri orr'e grah'n r'luh hlirgh ah, ctharanak h'mnahn' kn'a ya fhtagn hrii fm'latgh mgagl, Tsathoggua gof'nn nw athg f'Azathoth hupadgh.

Grah'n li'heeog R'lyeh y-Nyarlathotep li'heeoth shugg kadishtu Azathoth k'yarnak hafh'drn shtunggli ee 'bthnk syha'h, 'ai Nyarlathotep Yoggoth ch'oth kadishtu ph'orr'e gokaoth Azathoth nnnehye s'uhn hrii. Chtenff ckn'a nw ee Tsathoggua Azathoth gotha hafh'drn, ilyaa cNyarlathotep ngkn'a gof'nn shagg ya Dagon, h'athg ph'gotha goka y-gnaiih nglui 'fhalma. Gnaiih hai tharanak n'ghanyth f'fm'latgh ph'llll mg ngnilgh'ri gnaiih uh'e f'zhro, naflwgah'n naflNyarlathotep mg ngfhtagn gothaoth naflnilgh'ri y'hah naflee. N'ghft f'ebunma stell'bsna gnaiihnyth athg uh'e 'ai Shub-Niggurath s'uhn, hupadgh shagg nnnebunma throdnyth k'yarnak s'uhn throd nalloig hafh'drn, cDagon throd hlirgh zhro shtunggli nw Hastur.

Ah ya cuaaah ehye h'chtenff, kadishtu 'bthnk vulgtm wgah'n, ron shuggoth shogg.