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<h3 id=chain>2 stage of Lipo-HANABI</h3>
<h3 id=chain>1. Our target(Lipo-HANABI) </h3>
Lipo-HANABI is driven by the following two stage mechanism. <br><br>

1st stage: we use a temperature-sensitive liposome as an initiator, that sense increase of the temperature because temperature change is easy to control. At a certain triggering high temperature, liposome of 1st stage collapses and releases key DNA(セカンドステージのリポソームを破壊するようにデザインされたDNA) triggers collapse of liposomes of the 2nd stage. <br><br>

2nd stage:
Our system is driven by the following two stage mechanism. <br><br>
The 2nd stage liposomes contain payload molecules and also the key DNA.  
1st stage: we use a temperature-sensitive liposome as an initiator, that sense increase of the temperature because temperature change is easy to control. At a certain triggering high temperature, liposome of 1st stage collapses and releases key DNA for the 2nd stage.ここでkey DNAとはセカンドステージのリポソームを破壊するようにデザインされたDNAである。<br><br>
As a consequence, collapse of the liposomes goes on in a chain-reactive way. <br><br>
2nd stage: The key molecule released from the 1st stage triggers collapse of liposomes of the 2nd stage. The 2nd stage liposomes contain payload molecules and also the key DNA. As a consequence, collapse of the liposomes goes on in a chain-reactive way. <br><br>

An advantage of using the two-stage strategy is that we can change the 1st stage to deal with various types of trigger signal, without changing the 2nd stage. <br><br>
An advantage of using the two-stage strategy is that we can change the 1st stage to deal with various types of trigger signal, without changing the 2nd stage. <br><br>

<h3 id=bending>2段階それぞれにおけるリポソーム破壊の方法の説明</h3>
<h3 id=bending>2. How to collapse liposomes</h3>
<h4 id=Flower>1段階目 温度感受性リポソームによる反応の開始</h4>
<h4 id=Flower>2-1)Step1 Initiation by temperature sensitive liposome</h4>
Initiator lipoの温度感受性 lipoはNIPAMというポリマーを修飾したリポだ
<h4 id=sensing>2-2)Step2 DNAによる連鎖的リポソームの破壊 <br>The chain-reactive collaption by DNA </h4>
<h5 id=5>2-2-1)  DNA origami approach</h5>
<h6>The abstract of this approach</h6>
<h6>このアプローチの原理的根拠<br>The fundamental reason of the approach</h6>
<h6>このアプローチのDNAデザイン<br>The DNA design of the approach</h6>
<h5 id=6>2-2-2) Flower DNAによるアプローチ</h5>
<h6>このアプローチの概要<br>The abstraction of the approach</h6>


<h4 id=sensing>2段階目 DNAによる連鎖的リポソームの破壊 </h4>


<h6>このアプローチの原理的根拠<br>The fundamental reason of the approach</h6>

<h5 id=5>DNAオリガミアプローチ</h5>


前述の膜タンパクの論文からthe efficient design for destabilizing membranes is the structures that :<br>
<li>have rigid scaffolds</li>
<li>have large surface areas to maximize the effect of the scaffold on the membrane</li>
<li>produce a large pressure by collisions</li>

To make rigid scaffolds, we took note of DNA origami, because DNA origami is a method for making rigid structures of any shape. Moreover, we adopted a 2D structure to make the surface area largest.<br>
<h6>このアプローチのDNAデザイン<br>The design of the approach</h6>
We designed rectangle origami to make the pressure of the collision highest.<br>
<Img Src="">
<div align="center">Fig.3 Rectangle origami</div><br>

We suppose that rectangle structures are most effective because rectangle is expected to work as one scaffold in itself <br>

The design of our rectangular DNA origami is as below.<br>
<Img Src="">
<div align="center">Fig.4 Rectangular origami</div>
<div class="caption-right">
<Img Src="" ><span>Fig.5 DNA origami designed by caDNAno</span>
We used <A Href="">caDNAno2</A> for our DNA origami design.<br>
The DNA origami has a rectangle shape of 67.6nm (26 helixes) by 127 nm (374 bases).<br>
We cut out a smaller rectangle of 10 helixes by 161 bases at one edge of this origami, so that we could distinguish the two sides during AFM (Atomic Force Microscope) observation.<br>
Besides, to destabilize the membrane by inserting this origami, we designed 141 staples at the center of the origami to hybridize with anchors (These anchors give our origami amphipathicity), and enabled it to insert into the membrane.
<div class="c-both"></div>
To sum up, the anchor not only connects DNA origami and liposomes but also inserts into the membrane and destabilizes it.<br>
<Img Src="">
<div align="center">Fig.6 Unstable liposome</div>
<h5 id=6>Flower DNAによるアプローチ</h5>
リポソームに振り掛ける前にアンカーDNAに相補なもう一本の長いコレステロール付きDNAをハイブリさせる。このハイブリしたものをFlower DNAと呼ぶ。Flower DNAの一本鎖になっている部分に鍵DNAが相補になっており、ハイブリダイゼーションによって持続長が長くなったフラワーDNAはリポソーム膜面に「引っ張り(引き裂き)」ストレスを与え、リポソームを壊すのである。
<Img Src="" Align="center" ><br>
<Img Src="" Align="center" width="900px" hight="800" ><br>
<div align="center">Fig.10 How to straighten loop</div>
<img src=""><br>
<div align="center">Fig.7 Process of flower micelle approach</div><br><br>

<div <!--class="caption-right"-->>
<Img Src="" style="width:425px;"><br>
<span>Fig.8 Flower micelle method</span></div>

We tried to collapse liposomes by applying the mechanism of flower micelles.<br>
<div class="c-both"></div>

We designed the DNA sequences for this approach by <A Href="">DNA design</A>, software for designing DNA sequences. <br>
私たちはこのソフトでFlower DNAの二本とKey DNA の3種類のDNAを設計しました。


Revision as of 03:09, 24 October 2013

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<table id="toc" class="toc" summary="Contents"><tr><td><div id="toctitle"><h2>Contents</h2></div> <ul> <li class="toclevel-1"><a href="#chain"> <span class="tocnumber">1</span> <span class="toctext">Our Target(Lipo HANABI)</span></a></li> <li class="toclevel-1"><a href="#bending"> <span class="tocnumber">2</span> <span class="toctext">How to break</span></a></li> <ul> <li class="toclevel-2"><a href="#Flower"> <span class="tocnumber">2-1</span> <span class="toctext">step1 温度感受性リポソームの破壊</span></a></li> <li class="toclevel-2"><a href="#sensing"> <span class="tocnumber">2-2</span> <span class="toctext">step2 DNAによる連鎖的リポソームの破壊</span></a></li> <ul> <li class="toclevel-2"><a href="#5"> <span class="tocnumber">2-2-1</span> <span class="toctext">DNAオリガミによるアプローチ</span></a></li> <li class="toclevel-2"><a href="#6"> <span class="tocnumber">2-2-2</span> <span class="toctext">anchored DNAによるアプローチ</span></a></li> </li>

</ul> </li> </ul> </td></tr></table>

<h3 id=chain>1. Our target(Lipo-HANABI) </h3>

Our system is driven by the following two stage mechanism. <br><br>

1st stage: we use a temperature-sensitive liposome as an initiator, that sense increase of the temperature because temperature change is easy to control. At a certain triggering high temperature, liposome of 1st stage collapses and releases key DNA for the 2nd stage.ここでkey DNAとはセカンドステージのリポソームを破壊するようにデザインされたDNAである。<br><br>

2nd stage: The key molecule released from the 1st stage triggers collapse of liposomes of the 2nd stage. The 2nd stage liposomes contain payload molecules and also the key DNA. As a consequence, collapse of the liposomes goes on in a chain-reactive way. <br><br>

An advantage of using the two-stage strategy is that we can change the 1st stage to deal with various types of trigger signal, without changing the 2nd stage. <br><br>

<h3 id=bending>2. How to collapse liposomes</h3> <h4 id=Flower>2-1)Step1 Initiation by temperature sensitive liposome</h4>

Initiator lipoの温度感受性 lipoはNIPAMというポリマーを修飾したリポだ NIPAM(poly…)とは32度を境に親水から疎水に切り替わる性質をもつポリマーだ 32度より高くなると縮んで疎水性になりリポ表面が不安定化する その結果リポが割れる

<h4 id=sensing>2-2)Step2 DNAによる連鎖的リポソームの破壊 <br>The chain-reactive collaption by DNA </h4>

私たちはリポソームをDNAによって連鎖的に割るために2つのアプローチをした 2ndステージのリポソームは鍵DNA(とペイロード)が内部にあり、表面にはアンカーDNA(コレステロール付きのDNA)が生えている

<h5 id=5>2-2-1) DNA origami approach</h5> <h6>The abstract of this approach</h6>

<h6>このアプローチの原理的根拠<br>The fundamental reason of the approach</h6>

<h6>このアプローチのDNAデザイン<br>The DNA design of the approach</h6>

<h5 id=6>2-2-2) Flower DNAによるアプローチ</h5> <h6>このアプローチの概要<br>The abstraction of the approach</h6>

<h6>このアプローチの原理的根拠<br>The fundamental reason of the approach</h6>

<h6>このアプローチのDNAデザイン<br>The design of the approach</h6>



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