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Here, Lipo means liposome, in which we store the payload molecules, and Hanabi is fireworks in Japanese.
Here, Lipo means liposome, in which we store the payload molecules, and Hanabi is fireworks in Japanese. <br><br>

Our system is driven by the following two stage mechanism.
Our system is driven by the following two stage mechanism. <br><br>

1st stage: we use a temperature-sensitive liposome as an initiator, that sense increase of the temperature because temperature change is easy to control. At a certain triggering high temperature, liposome of 1st stage collapses and releases key DNA for the 2nd stage.ここでkey DNAとはセカンドステージのリポソームを破壊するようにデザインされたDNAである。
1st stage: we use a temperature-sensitive liposome as an initiator, that sense increase of the temperature because temperature change is easy to control. At a certain triggering high temperature, liposome of 1st stage collapses and releases key DNA for the 2nd stage.ここでkey DNAとはセカンドステージのリポソームを破壊するようにデザインされたDNAである。<br><br>

2nd stage: The key molecule released from the 1st stage triggers collapse of liposomes of the 2nd stage. The 2nd stage liposomes contain payload molecules and also the key DNA. As a consequence, collapse of the liposomes goes on in a chain-reactive way.
2nd stage: The key molecule released from the 1st stage triggers collapse of liposomes of the 2nd stage. The 2nd stage liposomes contain payload molecules and also the key DNA. As a consequence, collapse of the liposomes goes on in a chain-reactive way. <br><br>

An advantage of using the two-stage strategy is that we can change the 1st stage to deal with various types of trigger signal, without changing the 2nd stage.
An advantage of using the two-stage strategy is that we can change the 1st stage to deal with various types of trigger signal, without changing the 2nd stage. <br><br>

<h3 id=bending>2. How to collapse liposomes</h3>
<h3 id=bending>2. How to collapse liposomes</h3>

Revision as of 01:51, 22 October 2013

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<table id="toc" class="toc" summary="Contents"><tr><td><div id="toctitle"><h2>Contents</h2></div> <ul> <li class="toclevel-1"><a href="#chain"> <span class="tocnumber">1</span> <span class="toctext">Our Target(Lipo HANABI)</span></a></li> <li class="toclevel-1"><a href="#bending"> <span class="tocnumber">2</span> <span class="toctext">How to break</span></a></li> <ul> <li class="toclevel-2"><a href="#Flower"> <span class="tocnumber">2-1</span> <span class="toctext">step1 温度感受性リポソームの破壊</span></a></li> <li class="toclevel-2"><a href="#sensing"> <span class="tocnumber">2-2</span> <span class="toctext">step2 DNAによる連鎖的リポソームの破壊</span></a></li> <ul> <li class="toclevel-2"><a href="#5"> <span class="tocnumber">2-2-1</span> <span class="toctext">DNAオリガミによるアプローチ</span></a></li> <li class="toclevel-2"><a href="#6"> <span class="tocnumber">2-2-2</span> <span class="toctext">anchored DNAによるアプローチ</span></a></li> </li>

</ul> </li> </ul> </td></tr></table>

<h3 id=chain>1. Our target(Lipo-HANABI) </h3> In order to success our project, 3 things below are necessary. <br> (1) Containers of the same size as weak signals and some of which can detect specific signals<br> (2) Key molecules to open containers selectively<br> (3) The state where a series of containers’ opening can be achieved<br><br>

Liposomes are suitable for (1), because they can contain something and some of them can sense temperature, light, pH. <br> DNA is perfect for (2), because it can open containers selectively due to sequence-specific. <br> We used simulations to prove (3). <br> <!-- 何のシミュかもう少し具体的に書きたい --> そこでリポやDNAを使って私たちは1,2,3をみたす「リポ花火」という分子放出系を考えた<br> Here, Lipo means liposome, in which we store the payload molecules, and Hanabi is fireworks in Japanese. <br><br>

Our system is driven by the following two stage mechanism. <br><br>

1st stage: we use a temperature-sensitive liposome as an initiator, that sense increase of the temperature because temperature change is easy to control. At a certain triggering high temperature, liposome of 1st stage collapses and releases key DNA for the 2nd stage.ここでkey DNAとはセカンドステージのリポソームを破壊するようにデザインされたDNAである。<br><br>

2nd stage: The key molecule released from the 1st stage triggers collapse of liposomes of the 2nd stage. The 2nd stage liposomes contain payload molecules and also the key DNA. As a consequence, collapse of the liposomes goes on in a chain-reactive way. <br><br>

An advantage of using the two-stage strategy is that we can change the 1st stage to deal with various types of trigger signal, without changing the 2nd stage. <br><br>

<h3 id=bending>2. How to collapse liposomes</h3>

<h4 id=Flower>2-1)Step1 The collapse of temperature-senstive loposomes</h4> <h4 id=sensing>2-2)Step2 DNAによる連鎖的リポソームの破壊 <br>The chain-reactive collaption by DNA </h4>

<h5 id=5>2-2-1) DNA origami approach</h5> <h6>The abstract of this approach</h6>

<h6>このアプローチの原理的根拠<br>The fundamental reason of the approach</h6>

<h6>このアプローチのDNAデザイン<br>The DNA design of the approach</h6>

<h5 id=6>2-2-2) Flower DNAによるアプローチ</h5> <h6>このアプローチの概要<br>The abstraction of the approach</h6>

<h6>このアプローチの原理的根拠<br>The fundamental reason of the approach</h6>

<h6>このアプローチのDNAデザイン<br>The design of the approach</h6>



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