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/* Code taken from publicly available css tutorials at */ .linkconcept a {background:url("") left top no-repeat;} .linkmembers a {background:url("") left top no-repeat;} .linkresults a {background:url("") left top no-repeat;} .linkmethods a {background:url("") left top no-repeat;} .linkrefs a {background:url("") left top no-repeat;}

.linkgeneral {float:left; padding-right:3px; } .linkgeneral a {display:block; width:141px; height:52px;} .linkgeneral a:hover img {position:absolute; left:-999em; top:-999em;} .linkgeneral a:hover {zoom:1;} //--> </style> <div style="text-align:center" /> <img src=""/><br /> <div class="scriptFont"> Undergraduate DNA nanotechnology research group from the University of Texas at Austin </div> <img src=""/><br /> <!-- links at top --> <div style="float:left; width:85px; height:52px; display:block" > </div> <div class="linkconcept linkgeneral">

 <a href=""><img src="" alt="" /></a>

</div> <div class="linkmethods linkgeneral">

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 <a href=""><img src="" alt="" /></a>

</div> <div style="clear: both;" ></div> <img src=""/><br />

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Results TODO

Fuel Test 1, 8-13-2012

Buffer: TMgK

Conclusion: There is significant hairpin leakage between FA,h and FB,h, and also between FA,h and FD,h, but this decreases noticeably in the absence of the initiator. From the presence of excess lines in both lanes that contain FD,h, it is clear that there are impurities in FD,h, which will require the test to be run again after the sample is purified.

Fuel Test 2, 8-14-2012

Buffer: TMgK

Conclusion: There is significant hairpin leakage between FA,h and FB,h, and also between FA,h and FD,h, regardless of whether the initiator is present. While this trend does decrease slightly when temperature of incubation is decreased and concentration of FA,h is increased, the change is not dramatic enough to make these hairpins viable as fuels in this buffer.

Fuel Test 2, 8-14-2012

Buffer: TNaK

Conclusion: There is significant hairpin leakage between FA,h and FB,h, and also between FA,h and FD,h, regardless of whether the initiator is present. There is no noticeable change in this trend when temperature of incubation is decreased or concentration of FA,h is increased. Therefore, these hairpins are not viable as fuels in this buffer.