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<div id="bio">
<div class="bio bio1"><h3>Santiago Ca&ntilde;on </h3><div class="bio_country"><img src=""> Columbia</div>Santiago has a calm easygoing latin pace and a never ending smile. You should spend time with him if you want to relax. An amazing gel guy who says yes to adventure. Not your typical latin boy (just joking..)</div>
<div class="bio bio2"><h3>Maryam Vahdatzadeh </h3><div class="bio_country"><img src=""> Iran</div>Maryam is a delicate and caring soul who is very enthusiastic about science, wine and vodka! She is always happy, pretty, sweet, sometimes with her head in the sky. All in one word; the right example of Persian Passion!</div>
<div class="bio bio3"><h3>Alexander Ohmann </h3><div class="bio_country"><img src=""> Germany</div>With his unique 48h days, he is a typical effective, organized German. His individual creativity and perfectionism make him our origami boy. Being the guy who always gets the point, he is very very helpful, totally reliable and easy going.</div>
<div class="bio bio4"><h3>Praveen Vasudevan </h3><div class="bio_country"><img src=""> India</div>He is so capable, expressive, trustworthy and versatile yet so humble and friendly. He is smart, vegicool and great company for the experiments. He is getting to use his phone better and you can’t simply get mad at him</div>
<div class="bio bio5"><h3>Ali Ghaemi </h3><div class="bio_country"><img src=""> Iran</div>Ali is a guy you need to know! An eloquent man with a polymeric perception of the world. You will love his ideas about life. He is spontaneous like a cartoon character and always relaxed!</div>
<div class="bio bio6"><h3>Agata Szuba </h3><div class="bio_country"><img src=""> Poland</div>Agata is a natural leader, never holds back. She is full of energy and will motivate you in an effective way. She is very joyful, full of expressions, very reliable and always there for you, sometimes  with limited patience :) She loves coffee.</div>
<div class="bio bio7"><h3>Varsha Natarajan </h3><div class="bio_country"><img src=""> India</div>Varsha is a free spirit, full of ideas & adventurous thoughts. Her personality is colourful, truly Bollywood. Often, she gets inspiring ideas in the tram or in the shower. If there is something you want corrected she is your girl. Her hunger is unquenchable.</div>
<div class="bio bio8"><h3>Thomas Schlichthärle </h3><div class="bio_country"><img src=""> Germany</div>Thomas is very creative and sees science as an amazing playground for all his crazy ideas. In his leisure time he likes to do animations. On the other hand he is super responsible and very organized.</div>
<div class="bio bio9"><h3>Karen Elda Viacava Romo </h3><div class="bio_country"><img src=""> Mexico</div> Karen is super sweet and easy going, but don’t bother her when she is in the lab. In the project, she took care of design, creative drawings and flashy colors. Sometimes she can be sensitive and really “picky”. She will readily cook anything mexican.</div>
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<div id="img_sup"></div>
<div id="bio">
<div class="bio_sup bio_sup1"><h3>Prof. Stefan Diez</h3><div class="bio_country">Bio-Nano Tools, BCUBE</div></div>
<div class="bio_sup bio_sup2"><h3>Dr. Ralf Seidel </h3><div class="bio_country">DNA Motors, BIOTEC</div></div>
<div class="bio_sup bio_sup3"><h3>Dr. Michael Schlierf </h3><div class="bio_country">Bionanotechnological Analysis & Manipulation, BCUBE</div></div>
<div class="bio_sup bio_sup4"><h3>Prof. Erik Schäffer </h3><div class="bio_country">Single Molecule Nanomechanics, BIOTEC</div></div>
<div class="bio_sup bio_sup5"><h3>Maj Svea Grieb</h3><div class="bio_country">Single Molecule Methods, BCUBE</div></div>
<div class="bio_sup bio_sup6"><h3>Ignacio Gonzalez </h3><div class="bio_country">Creative graphics, TU Dresden</div></div>
<div class="bio_sup bio_sup7"><h3>Dominik Kauert </h3><div class="bio_country">DNA Origami, BIOTEC</div></div>
<div class="bio_sup bio_sup8"><h3>Aleksander Czogalla </h3><div class="bio_country">Lipid Membranes, BIOTEC</div></div>
<div class="bio_sup bio_sup9"><h3>Lucas Schirmer </h3><div class="bio_country">Web Design, MBC Dresden</div></div>
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Latest revision as of 17:47, 26 October 2012

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<div id="tabs" class="tabs-bottom"> <ul> <li><a href="#tabs-1">students</a></li> <li><a href="#tabs-2">supervisors</a></li> </ul> <div class="tabs-spacer"></div> <div id="tabs-1"> <div id="radial_container"> <ul class="list"> <li class="item"><div class="team img1"></div></li> <li class="item"><div class="team img2"></div></li> <li class="item"><div class="team img3"></div></li> <li class="item"><div class="team img4"></div></li> <li class="item"><div class="team img5"></div></li> <li class="item"><div class="team img6"></div></li> <li class="item"><div class="team img7"></div></li> <li class="item"><div class="team img8"></div></li> <li class="item"><div class="team img9"></div></li> </ul> </div> <div id="bio_container"> <div id="img"></div> <div id="bio"> <div class="bio bio1"><h3>Santiago Ca&ntilde;on </h3><div class="bio_country"><img src=""> Columbia</div>Santiago has a calm easygoing latin pace and a never ending smile. You should spend time with him if you want to relax. An amazing gel guy who says yes to adventure. Not your typical latin boy (just joking..)</div> <div class="bio bio2"><h3>Maryam Vahdatzadeh </h3><div class="bio_country"><img src=""> Iran</div>Maryam is a delicate and caring soul who is very enthusiastic about science, wine and vodka! She is always happy, pretty, sweet, sometimes with her head in the sky. All in one word; the right example of Persian Passion!</div> <div class="bio bio3"><h3>Alexander Ohmann </h3><div class="bio_country"><img src=""> Germany</div>With his unique 48h days, he is a typical effective, organized German. His individual creativity and perfectionism make him our origami boy. Being the guy who always gets the point, he is very very helpful, totally reliable and easy going.</div> <div class="bio bio4"><h3>Praveen Vasudevan </h3><div class="bio_country"><img src=""> India</div>He is so capable, expressive, trustworthy and versatile yet so humble and friendly. He is smart, vegicool and great company for the experiments. He is getting to use his phone better and you can’t simply get mad at him</div> <div class="bio bio5"><h3>Ali Ghaemi </h3><div class="bio_country"><img src=""> Iran</div>Ali is a guy you need to know! An eloquent man with a polymeric perception of the world. You will love his ideas about life. He is spontaneous like a cartoon character and always relaxed!</div> <div class="bio bio6"><h3>Agata Szuba </h3><div class="bio_country"><img src=""> Poland</div>Agata is a natural leader, never holds back. She is full of energy and will motivate you in an effective way. She is very joyful, full of expressions, very reliable and always there for you, sometimes with limited patience :) She loves coffee.</div> <div class="bio bio7"><h3>Varsha Natarajan </h3><div class="bio_country"><img src=""> India</div>Varsha is a free spirit, full of ideas & adventurous thoughts. Her personality is colourful, truly Bollywood. Often, she gets inspiring ideas in the tram or in the shower. If there is something you want corrected she is your girl. Her hunger is unquenchable.</div> <div class="bio bio8"><h3>Thomas Schlichthärle </h3><div class="bio_country"><img src=""> Germany</div>Thomas is very creative and sees science as an amazing playground for all his crazy ideas. In his leisure time he likes to do animations. On the other hand he is super responsible and very organized.</div> <div class="bio bio9"><h3>Karen Elda Viacava Romo </h3><div class="bio_country"><img src=""> Mexico</div> Karen is super sweet and easy going, but don’t bother her when she is in the lab. In the project, she took care of design, creative drawings and flashy colors. Sometimes she can be sensitive and really “picky”. She will readily cook anything mexican.</div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </div> <div id="tabs-2"> <div id="radial_container_sup"> <ul class="list_sup"> <li class="item_sup"><div class="team_sup img_sup1"></div></li> <li class="item_sup"><div class="team_sup img_sup2"></div></li> <li class="item_sup"><div class="team_sup img_sup3"></div></li> <li class="item_sup"><div class="team_sup img_sup4"></div></li> <li class="item_sup"><div class="team_sup img_sup5"></div></li> <li class="item_sup"><div class="team_sup img_sup6"></div></li> <li class="item_sup"><div class="team_sup img_sup7"></div></li> <li class="item_sup"><div class="team_sup img_sup8"></div></li> <li class="item_sup"><div class="team_sup img_sup9"></div></li> </ul> </div> <div id="bio_container_sup"> <div id="img_sup"></div> <div id="bio"> <div class="bio_sup bio_sup1"><h3>Prof. Stefan Diez</h3><div class="bio_country">Bio-Nano Tools, BCUBE</div></div> <div class="bio_sup bio_sup2"><h3>Dr. Ralf Seidel </h3><div class="bio_country">DNA Motors, BIOTEC</div></div> <div class="bio_sup bio_sup3"><h3>Dr. Michael Schlierf </h3><div class="bio_country">Bionanotechnological Analysis & Manipulation, BCUBE</div></div> <div class="bio_sup bio_sup4"><h3>Prof. Erik Schäffer </h3><div class="bio_country">Single Molecule Nanomechanics, BIOTEC</div></div> <div class="bio_sup bio_sup5"><h3>Maj Svea Grieb</h3><div class="bio_country">Single Molecule Methods, BCUBE</div></div> <div class="bio_sup bio_sup6"><h3>Ignacio Gonzalez </h3><div class="bio_country">Creative graphics, TU Dresden</div></div> <div class="bio_sup bio_sup7"><h3>Dominik Kauert </h3><div class="bio_country">DNA Origami, BIOTEC</div></div> <div class="bio_sup bio_sup8"><h3>Aleksander Czogalla </h3><div class="bio_country">Lipid Membranes, BIOTEC</div></div> <div class="bio_sup bio_sup9"><h3>Lucas Schirmer </h3><div class="bio_country">Web Design, MBC Dresden</div></div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </div> </div>

