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   <li><a href="">Electrophoresis</a> 
   <li><a href="">AFM</a> 

</li> <li><a href="" >Simulation</a></li> <li><a href="">Notes</a></li> <li><a href="">Team</a></li> <li><a href="">Resources</a></li> <li><a href="">Sitemap</a></li>

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In this electrophoresis section, DNA were stained by SYBR Gold (sigma) except observing DNA with fluoresce.

Method for checking the structure

  • Gel:1.4% agarose gel
  • Buffer:1×TAE Mg2+

We tested the influence of time and ratio to make our structure (3D and 2D), by changing annealing time and concentration ratio between M13 and staples. As a result, 2h annealing was better than 3h annealing, and high concentration of staples (1:100) was better.

Figure 1. The check method of structure (2h annealing) 1; only M13. 2 and 4 does not include the staples to make 3D structure (supposed to stop at 2D structure). 3 and 5 includes all staples we designed. 2 and 3; M13 per staples is 1/10. 4 and 5; M13 per staples is 1/100.
2. 3h annealing. 1; only M13. 2; without the staples for 3D structure (2D structure). 3; with the staples for 3D structure (3D structure). 2 and 3; M13 per staples is 1/100.

Checking the 2D and 3D structure

Figure 3. Band gaps between 2D and 3D structure. 1; 100bp DNA ladder marker, 2; cut M13 (234 fmol), 3; without the staples for 3D structure as 2D structure (development view) sample, 4; with the staples for 3D structure as 3D structure sample.

We carried out electrophoresis to 2D and 3D structure to check the differences among these two. Figure3 shows the band gap of 2D and 3D structure'.

To examine whether we succeed to construct designed DNA origami, electrophoresis were done. Folding into 2D and 3D structure was observed as degrees of migrations in agarose gels. Figure3 shows difference of migration of 2D and 3D structure by electrophoresis.

Conditions for DNA origami cut M13; 58.8 nM 3.4μL staples; total 400 nM 5μL 5×TAE-Mg2+; 10μL Distilled Water 31.6μL Total 50μL Annealing; 95ºC to 25 ºC ( 1 ºC decrease per 3 minutes)

Band C indicates cut M13. Band B indicates 2D structure, because that migrated slower than cut M13. Two bands were observed in lane 4, and the lower band showed similar migration as the band in lane 3. There are two possibilities to consider in case of the upper band. One of the two bands indicates a band of triangular prism structure. Another is the band which is made by connection of development views to each other. However, if the upper band indicated connection of two pieces of development views, two or more bands should be observed. Thus, we concluded the upper band indicates the designed 3D structure. AFM observation supported this. Please see this page.

Method for checking DNAzyme legs cut substrates

DNAzyme Legs and a substrate with internal ribonucleotide and fluorescence protein at 5’ end

  • Gel: 24% Poly-Acrylamide Gel including 6M Urea
  • Buffer: 1×TAE
  • Sample: mixtures of DNAzyme Legs and the substrates

In figure 3, samples loaded in each well are: 1 and 5 contain 1xTA
2 and 6 contain 1xTA Mg2+(12.5mM)
3 and 7 contain 1xTA Zn2+ (1mM)
4 and 8 contain 1xTA Mg2+(12.5mM) and Zn2+ (1mM)
Where 1-4 are immediately loaded after mixing, and 5-8 are loaded after incubation during 15 min at room temperature. Electrophoresis showed bands which migrated faster than original substrates. The faster migrated bands indicate cleaved substrate, and that were observed in samples with cations (lane 2, 4, 6, 8). Amount of cleaved substrates increased by 15 min incubation. Figure 4 shows that differentiation between lane 2 and 6 (red lines), and between 4 and 8 (green lines) substrates, showing Zn2+ enhanced cleaving efficiency.

Figure 3. legs and substrate attached fluorescence protein
Figure 4. Plots of differences of luminosity between 0 min and 15min incubated samples under Mg2+ (red lines) or Mg2+ / Zn2+ (green lines) conditions

Cleaving of substrates without fluoresce by DNAzyme legs

Figure 5. Cleaving of substrates without fluoresce by DNAzyme legs
  • Gel: 24% Poly-Acrylamide Gel with 6 M urea
  • Buffer: 1×TAE
  • Sample: Legs and substrates are loaded on lane 1, 2, 3 and 4. Substrates and DNAzyme legs were loaded on 5 and 6, respectively.

Mg2+ (12.5 mM) Zn2+ (1mM), Zn2+ (1mM), and Mg2+ (12.5 mM) were added to the sample of lane in 1, 2 and 3, respectively. After 15 min incubation, samples were loaded on agarose gels. The right figure shows that substrates of 1, 2 and 3 are exactly cut, indicating that the double helix was formed.

Gel filtration by a micro spin column S-400HR

Figure 5. Gel filtration by S-400HR micro spin column. 1;100bp DNA ladder marker, 2;3D structure sample 3;3D structure sample through gel filtration
  • Gel: 0.7% agaros gel
  • Buffer: 1×TAE Mg2+

To omit remained staples after DNA origami folding, gel filtration was performed using S-H400R micro spin column (GE health care). Through gel filtration, remained staples were exactly omitted (see Figure 5). However, folded structure also diminished. Since folded structure was not observed by AFM, we concluded folded structure disrupted through SH400R gel filtration.

Method for cutting M13

File:M13cut for wiki.jpg
Figure 6. Cutting M13. whole M13 (lane 1). M13 after treatment with restriction enzymes (lane 2)
  • Gel: 1.0% agarose gel
  • Buffer: 1×TAE

For producing the robot body, firstly we used whole M13mp18 DNA single strand (M13) as scaffold. However, 1,108 bases of 7,249 bases were used in our design. Thus, no used region of M13 was cut with restriction enzyme (Bal I and PstI). In figure 6, degrees of migration of whole M13 and cut M13 after treatment with restriction enzymes were compared by electrophoresis. 1; whole M13, and 2; M13 after cut treatment. A; the band of whole M13. B; the band of longer cut M13 treatment with restriction enzymes. C; the band of shorter M13 which we use in our DNA origami. D; the band of the short DNA (20base) which was used to form partial double helix to cut M13 by restriction enzymes. The reason why the band of C is smaller amount than the band of D is that the samples was purified by QIAGEN PCR purification kit, by which longer DNA (>5000bp) is not effectively purified, before loading gels. Detailed procedures are described in Here.

Figure 7. M13 cutting animation

PEG(polyethylene glycol)precipitation

Figere4 .PEG precipitation

We carried out PEG precipitation to get rid of the over staples from sample. experimental condition

  • 10mM MgCl2,PEG6000 10%, to a sample.
  • At 16,000×g in a conventional tabletop microcentrifuge for 10 minute at RT.
  • Removed Supernatant liquid and a sample is dissolved by 1×TAE-Mg2+ of 80% of a total amount.

It seems that most staples are removed by two PEG precipitation.