Biomod/2011/TeamJapan/Sendai/Computational design/Simulation

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About simulation

We did 3D simulation of the molecular rolling robot over the DNA origami field using molecular dynamics. In this simulation, the robot consists of mass points and we used the Langevin equation to describe the motion of each mass point. Situations between robot legs and substrates on the field , like hybridizing and cleaving , are described by change of potential.

This simulation had done by C language programing.

Model and Methods

In this simulation, we composed the structure by binding extracted representative points.

First of all, we did the simulation of molecular spider robot. Following figure is representing correspondence of each part of the real spider and the spider in simulation.

At the spider in the simulation, blue points are selected mass points of the structure, green points are top of spider legs, and yellow lines are representing bonds.

Japanese: [[[このシミュレーションでは構造の代表点を抜き出し、それらに長さ及び角度の拘束力を与えることで構造体を構成させている。



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Each mass point is moving under influence of energy V.

This energy V is mainly composed of the binding energy and the potential energy of each substrate.

Potential of substrates changes by distance of leg and substrate ,and by substrate situation if it is cut or not.


そのポテンシャル V は以下式で表され、その値はばね結合によるポテンシャル、角度ばねによるポテンシャル、足と本体の結合によるポテンシャル、そして足がフィールド上のsubstrateと結合することにより生じるポテンシャルの合計となっている。

ここで、スパイダーの足の先端がsubstrateとハイブリダイゼーションできる距離まで近づいた場合、その濃度は約0.83mMとなりKM=50nM より著しく大きい。そのため足の先端がsubstrateの影響範囲下に入った場合、速やかにポテンシャルが小さくなるように設定している。]]]

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The motion of each mass point is described by Langevin Equation.

In this equation, force F is derived from the energy V, -βv is the viscosity resistance, and η(t) is the white and Gaussian random force.

Japanese:[[[ 上記の様に各質点はポテンシャルの影響を受けながら運動しているが、この元となる運動はブラウン運動に従ったものとなっており、その運動はLangevin Equation(以下式)によって記述される。

この式において F はポテンシャル V による力を、-βv は粘性による抵抗を、η は時間により変化するランダム力を表しており、各質点はこの式にしたがって運動している。このランダム力は正規分布に従っている。]]]

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Distribution of random forces are as following figure.

[[[Japanese:またランダム力は下のような分布になっており、各成分がGaussian distributionにしたがっていることがわかる。]]]

The white and Gaussian random force

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Spider simulation

EmbedVideo received the bad id "4gDTzqJRFUs&border=1&color1=0x6699&color2=0x54abd6" for the service "youtube".

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[[[Japanese:シミュレーションの動作確認のため、論文"Molecular robots guided by prescriptive landscape"を参考にスパイダーの移動シミュレーションを行った。その結果が上の動画である。 この動画中で赤い点は切断されていない足場を、青い点は切断された足場を表している。 この動画からスパイダーは足でsubstrateを切断しながらトラック上を歩いて行き、ゴールまでたどり着いていることが確認できる。]]]

In order to set perameters, we did the simulation of molecular spider robot based on the article "Molecular robots guided by prescriptive landscapes"(Lund et al, 2010).. The red points in the simulation are not yet cleaved substrates and the blue ones are cleaved. From this movie, we can see the spider approaching the goal with cleaving substrates.

Simulation data


今回は参考論文P208 Figure2 の実験と同様の条件でシミュレーションを行い、データ収集を行った。



(左図)時間毎におけるフィールド上のスパイダーに対するゴールしたスパイダーの割合 (Left) Number of spiders that approach the goal (without including the ones that left the field) vs time
(右図)時間毎におけるフィールド上のスパイダーに対するトラック上のスパイダーの割合 (Right) Number of spiders over the track (without including the ones that left the field) vs time







The above figure describe quantitatively how many spiders reach the goal and how many are over the track with respect to time. This result is similar to previous experiments reported in the literature.

Furthermore, in our simulation, the time for reaching the goal substrate was about 20 times longer than the time for cleaving substrate, while the time in the article was about 21 times longer. With this, we can verify the relevancy of parameters, too.

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Simulation of the triangular prism robot

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JApanese:[[[今回私たちが作製する三角柱ロボットが実際に競技フィールド上を移動するのかということを確かめるために、実際のスケールを元にしてシミュレーション上でロボット及び競技フィールドを作製し、ロボットの移動シミュレーションを行った。 その結果が上の動画である。




In the above video we present the simulation of the movement for the molecular robot based on a triangular prism body. From initial design we supposed that the robot could reach the goal by only rotary motion. This behavior is corroborated in the simulation where the robots show rotary motion driven by Brownian motion, and also forward translational motion.However, this combined motion does not impede the robot reach the goal point. Thus, we are inclined to believe that the performance of this robot over the field would be success.

Comparison between the spider and triangular prism robot

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Average goal time of spider and triangular prism.

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In this section we compare the times for reaching the same goal for each one of the two molecular robots. The field design for the spider in the video is based on spider paper. And, the field for triangular prism is our field design. It can be seen from this video that the triangular prism robot reaches the goal faster than the spider. Since the body of the triangular prism robot is bigger than the spider body, we could reduce the number of substrates on the field.

Data of triangular prism simulation






In order to check whether to add the kind of legs og robot and to make the robots advance a direction lead to progress of moving speed,we conducted the simulation using triangular prism with 3 types of legs and another with 1 type of legs. The right figure shows its result. According to the figure,on the goal time, 1 type and 3 types are not diferrent.But on the percentage of triangle prism reached the goal substrate,1 type is much than 3 types. Therefore,it is suitable to make not triangular prism with 3 types of legs but 1 type of legs.

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Other data

Cleavage rate and spider speed

Correlation between cleavage time and percentage of spiders reached the goal substrate ,and goal time

To verify the effect of cleavage rate of substrate, we did spider simulation with changing cleavage time.

The following figure is the result we got from our simulation.

From this figure , we can see that percentage of spiders reached to the goal substrate and time to get to the goal substrate from the start increase if cleavage time increases.

This shows that increase of cleavage rate causes increase of spider speed and decrease of probability to reach the goal substrate.

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Field design and spider speed

Design of spider fields. All of these fields are based on the field we used in spider simulation(base field). (a)1 Substrate line is removed from the base field every 2 line. (b)2 Substrate lines are removed every 3 line. (c)Upper substrates are removed. (d)The base field.

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Correlations between the number of substrates and moving data of spiders

Above figure shows design of fields and moving data of spider over each field. Design of these fields are based on the field used in the spider article.(field of figure(d)) Substrates in field (a),(b),(c) is removed in different pattarn.

By looking each data from the viewpoint of the number of substrates, we got results in right figure. From this figure, we can see less substrates provides faster speed of robot. And we can also see the goal probability becomes lower if the number of substrates becomes fewer. But the goal probability seems to be strongly effected not only by the number but by its design too.

From these factors, we concluded that it is better to reduce substrates on the field as much as possible if we want to speed the robot.

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Body size and leg size

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These robot's size is the same.

In this section, whole size of both robots ,triangular prism and spider, are set up to be the same. Design of triangular prism doesn't differ to the one we used above, while spider robot has longer legs.

Right figure shows moving data of each robot. From this figure, we can see the spider using long legs has more goal probability and goal time. This is thought to be due to the difference of body size, leg length and the number of legs. Longer leg increases the probability to reach the goal, so that more spider could reach the goal. And if the structure has more legs, it can cleave more substrates in the same time. Therefore, if the design of fields are the same, the robot has more legs is faster and this is why the triangular prism was faster in this simulation.

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