20.109(S13): Final Project WFRedBlue

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Page for W/F Team Red/Blue Final Project

W/F Red/Blue Team Final Project

Topic and Focus

""Topic:"" Cellular Programming and Biosensors ""Specific focus:"" Using biosensors to refine and amplify cellular logic gates


1. http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nature11149.html

- Implements boolean logic gates: NAND, XOR, and N-IMPLY, half-subtractor, half-adder - Gradual disassembly of transcriptional / translational components exhibited characteristics of simpler logic gates - Individual components can be rewired into combinatorial structures (modular) - Novelty: all components of logic gates contained in one cell (opposed to others which incorporate intercellular signaling) - Goal: Perform therapeutic calculations in animal metabolism

2. Synthetic circuits integrating logic and memory in living cells[1]

    	In order to generate complex, state-dependent responses, it is necessary to be able to incorporate logic functions and memory stores. In this study, researchers used recombinases to create Boolean logic functions and DNA-encoded memory on live E. Coli cells. The purpose of this is to be able to create cellular networks capable of producing certain responses given input signals. Furthermore, DNA storage could present a new way of long-term storage, due to the cells self propagation and the stability of DNA.

[1] Siuti, P., Yazbek, J., & Lu, T. K. (2013). Synthetic circuits integrating logic and memory in living cells. Nature Biotechnology, 1–6. doi:10.1038/nbt.2510

3. (Potentially useful review article) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3564264/

Details/Methods: - Fluorescence Assay - Cell Viability Assay - Predicted Outcomes: - Engineered tunability of logic gate sensitivity to threshold concentrations of an input substance

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