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We're making a molecular robot that can capture an object DNA and put it inside the robot.
Our robot has the function we
named "Selector".
"Selector" is single-stranded DNA
which has complementary sequences to the "Target DNA" here and there, and consecutive
adenine sequences in other portion. The interior of more inner "Selector" is
more complementary to the target. When "Selector 1" catches the "Target DNA", the left sequences (which are not complementary and do not attach to the object) make loops. Then the structure shrinks and becomes shorter.
Thanks to "Selector 1", the robot
can select and draw the target DNA close to our robot. Next, "Selector 2" receives the target DNA from "Selector 1". And "Selector 3" receives.
Thanks to "Selector 2" and "Selector 3" the
robot can deliver only the object inside certainly.

Then, we will explain the body structure containing these functions.
We design the robot like a tube of hexagonal base. In case is too difficult to form and observe, we also design a triangle prism body. As for the latter shape, we made the same kind
of structure last year. We've acquired some know-how of it.
We think the robot should require a lid so that nothing would come in from the back. So we arrange loop and
tournament structures symmetrically.

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Revision as of 19:44, 1 September 2012

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<h2>D-NApper</h2> <div class="text"> <p> We're making a molecular robot that can capture an object DNA and put it inside the robot. Our robot has the function we named "Selector". "Selector" is single-stranded DNA which has complementary sequences to the "Target DNA" here and there, and consecutive adenine sequences in other portion. The interior of more inner "Selector" is more complementary to the target. When "Selector 1" catches the "Target DNA", the left sequences (which are not complementary and do not attach to the object) make loops. Then the structure shrinks and becomes shorter. Thanks to "Selector 1", the robot can select and draw the target DNA close to our robot. Next, "Selector 2" receives the target DNA from "Selector 1". And "Selector 3" receives. Thanks to "Selector 2" and "Selector 3" the robot can deliver only the object inside certainly.

Then, we will explain the body structure containing these functions. We design the robot like a tube of hexagonal base. In case is too difficult to form and observe, we also design a triangle prism body. As for the latter shape, we made the same kind of structure last year. We've acquired some know-how of it. We think the robot should require a lid so that nothing would come in from the back. So we arrange loop and tournament structures symmetrically. </p>

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