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Recently, many nano scale robots have been build, and they store molecules inside. To develop further, we propose and design a robot which can select and store a DNA molecule after creation.<br>
<font size="5">R</font>ecently, many nano scale robots have been build, and they store molecules inside. To develop further, we propose and design a robot which can select and store a DNA molecule after creation.<br>
And this robot can catch various molecules if its structure is changed.<br>
<font size="5">A</font>nd this robot can catch various molecules if its structure is changed.<br>
Our robot has "Selector". "Selector" is single-stranded DNA which has complementary sequences to the target DNA here and there. The inner "selector" is more complementary to the target. "Selector" can catch and draw DNA close to the robot, and take DNA to the centre of the robot. "Selector" also can sort sufficient DNA.<br>
<font size="5">O</font>ur robot has "Selector". "Selector" is single-stranded DNA which has complementary sequences to the target DNA here and there. The inner "selector" is more complementary to the target. "Selector" can catch and draw DNA close to the robot, and take DNA to the centre of the robot. "Selector" also can sort sufficient DNA.<br>
On this project, our target is DNA. But we think our robot not only would catch DNA, but also various nano scale molecules like proteins.<br>
<font size="5">O</font>n this project, our target is DNA. But we think our robot not only would catch DNA, but also various nano scale molecules like proteins.<br>
Now we are working on our robot's parts and the robot body. After that, we will combine them and complete the robot.<br>
<font size="5">N</font>ow we are working on our robot's parts and the robot body. After that, we will combine them and complete the robot.<br>
<!-- 目的
<!-- 目的

Revision as of 02:41, 2 September 2012

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<h2>Abstract</h2> <div class="text"> <p> <font size="5">R</font>ecently, many nano scale robots have been build, and they store molecules inside. To develop further, we propose and design a robot which can select and store a DNA molecule after creation.<br> <br> <font size="5">A</font>nd this robot can catch various molecules if its structure is changed.<br> <br> <font size="5">O</font>ur robot has "Selector". "Selector" is single-stranded DNA which has complementary sequences to the target DNA here and there. The inner "selector" is more complementary to the target. "Selector" can catch and draw DNA close to the robot, and take DNA to the centre of the robot. "Selector" also can sort sufficient DNA.<br> <br> <font size="5">O</font>n this project, our target is DNA. But we think our robot not only would catch DNA, but also various nano scale molecules like proteins.<br> <br> <font size="5">N</font>ow we are working on our robot's parts and the robot body. After that, we will combine them and complete the robot.<br> </p> <!-- 目的

<h2>目的</h2> <div class="text"> <p> ナノスケールの世界において分子を捕獲するためにはそのための機構を様々な方法で作らなくてはならず、非常に困難である。<br> そこで私たちは、DNAの自発的に多様な構造体を形成する性質を用いて、少しの設計変更で様々な分子を捕獲できる分子ロボットを製作する。<br> <br>  第一目標として、比較的捕獲が簡単と思われるRNAをターゲットとした。RNAはアルツハイマーの原因となる異常配列RNAに決定した。<br> <br>  私たちのロボットの構造は筒状のDNAorigami本体にターゲットを捕まえるループと、ターゲットを奥まで運ぶトーナメントの2種類のDNAを内側に付加したものである。<br> ループはターゲットのRNAとハイブリダイゼーション(?) すると、相補にならなかった部分がループ構造をいくつも作ることで全体の長さが縮み、RNAを内部へ引きいれる。<br> トーナメントは複数のstapleからなり、奥に行くほどRNAと相補になる配列が増えて安定性が増すようになっている。この安定性の差を利用してRNAを奥へと運ぶとともに、捕獲したRNAの配列を確認していくことが出来る。<br>  さらにロボット内部の奥にはRNAseというRNA分解酵素を付加し、異常配列のRNAを破壊する。<br> <br>  現在はRNAを捕獲する機構を完成させることを第一段階の目標としており、最終的にはRNAを含む様々な物質を捕獲し、ロボット内部で処理を施せる機構を持たせる。<br> </p>

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