read.GeneMapper<-function(infiles){ # read files and get names of samples and loci samples<-c() loci<-c() locusdata<-list() length(locusdata)<-length(infiles) for(i in 1:length(infiles)){ locusdata[[i]]<-read.table(infiles[i],sep="\t",header=TRUE,"Sample.Name","Marker")) samples<-c(samples,locusdata[[i]][["Sample.Name"]]) loci<-c(loci,locusdata[[i]][["Marker"]]) } samples<-unique(samples) loci<-unique(loci) # set up genambig object to put data into object <- new("genambig", samples, loci) # extract and insert genotypes for(m in 1:length(locusdata)){ alleleindex<-grep("Allele",names(locusdata[[m]]),value=FALSE) for(j in 1:length(locusdata[[m]][["Sample.Name"]])){ untrimmedgenotype<-locusdata[[m]][j,alleleindex] #Gives an error if there are loci or samples not in the arguments Genotype(object,locusdata[[m]][j, "Sample.Name"], locusdata[[m]][j, "Marker"])<- unique(untrimmedgenotype[!]) } } return(object) } read.GenoDive <- function(infile){ rawdata<-readLines(infile) #information about number of samples, number of loci, etc. is in second line datainfo<-as.integer(strsplit(rawdata[[2]],"\t")[[1]]) numsam<-datainfo[1] # number of individuals numpop<-datainfo[2] # number of populations numloc<-datainfo[3] # number of loci digits<-datainfo[5] # number of digits used to code each allele # get the data header with column names, including loci colheader<-strsplit(rawdata[[3+numpop]],"\t")[[1]] lastloc<-length(colheader) # index of the last locus column firstloc<-lastloc-numloc+1 # index of the first locus column (3 or 4) loci<-colheader[firstloc:lastloc] # get the locus names # set up genotype object object <- new("genambig", samples=1:numsam, loci = loci) PopNames(object) <- rawdata[3:(2+numpop)] Description(object) <- rawdata[1] # fill in sample data for(s in 1:numsam){ # get data from the row for this sample sampledata<-strsplit(rawdata[[3+numpop+s]],"\t")[[1]] # extract name and population PopInfo(object)[s]<-as.integer(sampledata[1]) Samples(object)[s]<-sampledata[2] # extract alleles for(L in 1:numloc){ rawalleles<-sampledata[(firstloc:lastloc)[L]] while(nchar(rawalleles)%%digits !=0) { # If leading zeros were removed rawalleles<-paste("0",rawalleles,sep="") } # convert the character string to an integer vector myfirst<-seq(length=nchar(rawalleles)/digits,from=1,by=digits) mylast<-seq(length=nchar(rawalleles)/digits,from=digits,by=digits) thesealleles<-as.integer(substring(rawalleles,myfirst,mylast)) # get rid of duplicate alleles thesealleles<-unique(thesealleles) # insert the missing data symbol as appropriate if(length(thesealleles)==1 && thesealleles==0){ thesealleles<-Missing(object) } # get rid of "missing alleles" if the whole genotype is not missing thesealleles<-thesealleles[thesealleles !=0] # write the allele vector to the list Genotype(object, s, L) <-thesealleles } } # return the object return(object) } # make extracols include the popinfo column # popinfocol is column number not including labels, or NA read.Structure<-function(infile,ploidy,missingin=-9,sep="\t",markernames=TRUE, labels=TRUE, extrarows=1, popinfocol=1, extracols=1, getexcols=FALSE ){ # read the file rawdata<-read.table(infile,header=markernames,sep=sep) # get an index of samples and a column labeling the samples if(labels){ # if row labels are used, get those as the sample names samples<-unique(rawdata[[1]]) samples<-samples[!] samples<-as.character(samples) samples<-samples[samples != ""] names(rawdata)[1]<-"Samples" } else { # make an integer vector to represent samples samples<-1:((dim(rawdata)[1]-extrarows)/ploidy) samindex<-c(rep(0,times=extrarows),rep(samples, each=ploidy)) rawdata[length(rawdata)+1]<-samindex names(rawdata)[length(rawdata)]<-"Samples" } # get an index of loci (will be V2 etc. if loci not named) loci<-names(rawdata) loci<-loci[loci != "Samples"] loci<-loci[(extracols+1):length(loci)] # mark the column containing popinfo if(!{ names(rawdata)[popinfocol+ifelse(labels,1,0)] <- "PopInfo" } # set up the object to store genotypes object <- new("genambig", samples, loci) # fill the genotypes and popinfo for(s in samples){ for(L in loci){ rawalleles<-rawdata[rawdata$Samples==s,L] # process missing data and get unique alleles thesealleles<-unique(rawalleles) if(length(thesealleles)==1 && thesealleles[1]==missingin){ thesealleles<-Missing(object) } else { thesealleles<-thesealleles[thesealleles != missingin] if([s]) || Ploidies(object)[s] < length(rawalleles[rawalleles != missingin])){ # get ploidy Ploidies(object)[s] <- length(rawalleles[rawalleles != missingin]) } } Genotype(object,s,L)<-thesealleles } # get popinfo if(!{ PopInfo(object)[s] <- rawdata[match(s, rawdata$Samples),"PopInfo"] } } # extract the extra columns, if needed if(getexcols){ Extracol<-data.frame(row.names=samples) excolindex <- 1:extracols if(!{ excolindex <- excolindex[-popinfocol] } if(labels){ excolindex <- excolindex + 1 } for(x in excolindex){ # look up values by sample in this column # add the column to the data frame Extracol<-data.frame(Extracol,rawdata[[x]][seq(1+extrarows, length(rawdata[[1]])+ 1-ploidy, by=ploidy)]) names(Extracol)[length(Extracol)] <- x } } # return extra columns and genotypes if(getexcols){ return(list(ExtraCol=Extracol, Dataset=object)) } else { return(object) } } read.SPAGeDi<-function(infile, allelesep="/", returnspatcoord=FALSE){ # get all lines from the file, and eliminate comment lines Lines<-readLines(infile) Lines<-Lines[Lines != ""] first2<-sapply(Lines, substring, first=1, last=2) Lines<-Lines[first2 != "//"] # get data from the first line fileinfo<-as.integer(strsplit(Lines[1], "\t")[[1]]) numind<-fileinfo[1] # number of samples numcat<-fileinfo[2] # number of categories numsc<-fileinfo[3] # number of spatial coordinates numloc<-fileinfo[4] # number of loci digits<-fileinfo[5] # number of digits to represent alleles # Is there a column of categories? if(numcat==0){ catpres<-0 } else { catpres<-1 } # Is latitude and longitude used instead of Cartesian coordinates? if(numsc==-2){ numsc<-2 } # read the rest of the file as a table cat(Lines[3:(3+numind)], sep="\n", file="SpagTemp.txt") gentable <- read.table("SpagTemp.txt", sep="\t", header=TRUE, row.names=1, colClasses=c("character",rep(NA,catpres+numsc), rep("character",numloc))) # get sample and locus names samples<-row.names(gentable) loci<-names(gentable)[(length(gentable)-numloc+1):length(gentable)] # set up genambig object object <- new("genambig", samples=samples, loci=loci) # take PopInfo from categories if present if(catpres==1){ PopNames(object) <- unique(as.character(gentable[[1]])) PopInfo(object) <- match(gentable[[1]], PopNames(object)) } # If there is no separation of alleles, count digits off with substring if(allelesep==""){ for(s in samples){ #set up a list to contain genotypes thesegenotypes<-list(0) length(thesegenotypes)<-length(loci) names(thesegenotypes)<-loci for(L in loci){ # add leading zeros if necessary while(nchar(gentable[s,L])%%digits !=0){ gentable[s,L]<-paste("0",gentable[s,L],sep="") } # split into alleles and convert to integers thesegenotypes[[L]]<-as.integer(substring(gentable[s,L], first=seq(1, nchar(gentable[s,L])-digits+1, by=digits), last=seq(digits, nchar(gentable[s,L]),by=digits))) # if genotype only has zeros, write missing data symbol if(length(unique(thesegenotypes[[L]]))==1 && thesegenotypes[[L]][1]==0){ thesegenotypes[[L]]<-Missing(object) } # otherwise remove zeros on left while(thesegenotypes[[L]][1]==0){ thesegenotypes[[L]]<-thesegenotypes[[L]][-1] } } # get ploidy of sample Ploidies(object)[s] <- max(sapply(thesegenotypes,length)) for(L in loci){ # remove zeros on the right thesegenotypes[[L]]<-thesegenotypes[[L]][thesegenotypes[[L]] != 0] # get unique alleles thesegenotypes[[L]]<-unique(thesegenotypes[[L]]) } # add genotypes to object Genotypes(object, samples=s)<-thesegenotypes } # get alleles by strsplit } else { for(s in samples){ # get alleles by splitting the strings thesegenotypes<-sapply(gentable[s,loci],strsplit, split=allelesep,fixed=TRUE) names(thesegenotypes) <- loci for(L in loci){ # convert to integer thesegenotypes[[L]]<-as.integer(thesegenotypes[[L]]) # if genotype only has zeros, write missing data symbol if(length(unique(thesegenotypes[[L]]))==1 && thesegenotypes[[L]][1]==0){ thesegenotypes[[L]]<-Missing(object) } # otherwise remove zeros on left while(thesegenotypes[[L]][1]==0){ thesegenotypes[[L]]<-thesegenotypes[[L]][-1] } } # get ploidy of sample Ploidies(object)[s] <- max(sapply(thesegenotypes,length)) for(L in loci){ # remove zeros on the right thesegenotypes[[L]]<-thesegenotypes[[L]][thesegenotypes[[L]] != 0] # get unique alleles thesegenotypes[[L]]<-unique(thesegenotypes[[L]]) } # add genotypes to list Genotypes(object, samples=s)<-thesegenotypes } } # return the genotypes, popinfo, ploidies, and spatial coordinates if(!returnspatcoord){ return(object) } else { spatcoord <- gentable[,!names(gentable) %in% loci] if(catpres == 1){ spatcoord <- spatcoord[,-1] } return(list(SpatCoord=spatcoord, Dataset=object)) } } read.Tetrasat <- function(infile){ #read the file into a character vector, containing all the lines rawdata<-readLines(infile) #find which lines delimit populations popindex<-grep("pop",rawdata,,value=FALSE) popindex<-popindex[popindex != 1] #get a character vector of loci, whether they were stored in one or #several lines loci<-rawdata[2:(popindex[1]-1)] if(length(loci) == 1){loci<-strsplit(loci,",")[[1]]} #find which lines contain genotype data samindex<-c(popindex[1]:length(rawdata)) samindex<-samindex[!samindex %in% popindex] # set up the genambig object object<-new("genambig", samples=1:length(samindex) ,loci=loci) Ploidies(object) <- rep(4, length(samindex)) Description(object) <- rawdata[1] #Extract the data out of the lines for(i in 1:length(samindex)){ #Find the largest value in popindex that is smaller than samindex[i] #Use the position of that value in popindex for the pop id PopInfo(object)[i]<-match(max(popindex[popindex < samindex[i]]), popindex) #extract sample names and genotypes samname<-gsub(" ","",substring(rawdata[samindex[i]],1,20),fixed=TRUE) Samples(object)[i] <- samname thesegenotypes<-substring(rawdata[samindex[i]], seq(length=length(loci),from=21,by=9), seq(length=length(loci),from=28,by=9)) for(j in 1:length(loci)){ thesealleles<-gsub(" ","",thesegenotypes[j],fixed=TRUE) if(nchar(thesealleles) != 0){ thesealleles<-substring(thesealleles, seq(length=nchar(thesealleles)/2,from=1,by=2), seq(length=nchar(thesealleles)/2,from=2,by=2)) thesealleles<-unique(as.integer(thesealleles)) } else {thesealleles<-Missing(object)} Genotype(object, i,j)<-thesealleles } } #return genotype and pop data return(object) } read.ATetra<-function(infile){ #read the file into a list of vectors, one for each line rawdata<-strsplit(readLines(infile),",") #make an index of which lines contain locus and sample info #also make an index of all loci, and vector of population names locindex<-c() samindex<-c() popnames<-character(0) for(i in 1:length(rawdata)){ if(rawdata[[i]][1] == "TIT"){ description <- rawdata[[i]][2] } if(rawdata[[i]][1] == "LOC"){ locindex<-c(locindex,i) names(locindex)[length(locindex)]<-rawdata[[i]][3] } if(rawdata[[i]][1] == "IND"){ samindex<-c(samindex,i) } if(rawdata[[i]][1] == "POP" && length(locindex) == 1){ popnames <- c(popnames, rawdata[[i]][4]) } } #make a vector of all loci loci<-names(locindex) #make a vector of all samples, and a vector of which samples go in which pops samples<-c() popdata<-c() samindex1loc<-samindex[samindex < locindex[2]] for(j in 1:length(samindex1loc)){ samples[j]<-rawdata[[samindex1loc[j]]][5] popdata[j]<-as.integer(rawdata[[samindex1loc[j]]][3]) } #set up the object to contain genotypes object <- new("genambig", samples=samples, loci=loci) PopInfo(object) <- popdata PopNames(object) <- popnames Ploidies(object) <- rep(4, length(samples)) Description(object) <- description #fill the array of genotypes for(m in samindex){ thesealleles<-rawdata[[m]][6:9] thesealleles<-as.integer(thesealleles[thesealleles !=""]) thesealleles<-thesealleles[!] Genotype(object,as.integer(rawdata[[m]][4]), as.integer(rawdata[[m]][2]))<-thesealleles } #return population data and genotypes return(object) } read.POPDIST <- function(infiles){ # read the files into a character vector rawdata <- readLines(infiles[1]) if(length(infiles) > 1){ popindex<-(1:length(rawdata))[substr(rawdata,1,3) %in% c("Pop", "pop", "POP")] popindex<-popindex[popindex != 1] firstpop <- popindex[1] for(i in 2:length(infiles)){ rawdata2 <- readLines(infiles[i]) if(!identical(rawdata[2:firstpop],rawdata2[2:firstpop])) stop(paste("Loci not identical between",infiles[1], "and",infiles[i])) rawdata <- c(rawdata, rawdata2[firstpop:length(rawdata2)]) } } #find which lines delimit populations popindex<-(1:length(rawdata))[substr(rawdata,1,3) %in% c("Pop", "pop", "POP")] popindex<-popindex[popindex != 1] #get a character vector of loci, whether they were stored in one or #several lines loci<-rawdata[2:(popindex[1]-1)] if(length(loci) == 1){loci<-strsplit(loci,",")[[1]]} #find which lines contain genotype data samindex<-c(popindex[1]:length(rawdata)) samindex<-samindex[!samindex %in% popindex] # set up the genambig object object<-new("genambig", samples=1:length(samindex) ,loci=loci) Description(object) <- rawdata[1] # get population names for(p in 1:length(popindex)){ PopNames(object)[p] <- strsplit(rawdata[popindex[p]+1], "\t,",fixed=TRUE)[[1]][1] } # Extract data for individuals for(i in 1:length(samindex)){ # get PopInfo PopInfo(object)[i]<-match(max(popindex[popindex < samindex[i]]), popindex) # get genotypes genotypestring <- strsplit(rawdata[samindex[i]],"\t,")[[1]][2] thesegenotypes <- strsplit(genotypestring,split="[[:blank:]]")[[1]] thesegenotypes <- thesegenotypes[thesegenotypes != ""] Ploidies(object)[i] <- nchar(thesegenotypes[1])/2 for(j in 1:length(loci)){ thesealleles <- substring(thesegenotypes[j], (1:Ploidies(object)[i])*2-1, (1:Ploidies(object)[i])*2) thesealleles <- unique(as.integer(thesealleles)) thesealleles <- thesealleles[thesealleles != 0] if(length(thesealleles) != 0){ Genotype(object, i, j) <- thesealleles } } } return(object) }