function [LOGM]=FACSTC_PlotHist(filenames, gates, col, Bins, varargin) %% %%% % SUMMARY: % This function takes a filename of a .fcs file OR the data from the .fcs % file (see below), and uses the gate information (gates) to plot a % histogram of the logarithm of the data in column col of the .fcs file % using the bins Bins. % % INPUTS: % filenameORdata: This is either the name of a .fcs file to open, or the actual fcs FACS data % (ie fcsdat from the call to [fcsdat, fcshdr] = fca_readfcs(filename)) % % gates: Gate information from FindGate (indices of points that should be % included in the analysis) % % col: Column from the .fcs file that we want the histogram of (for our % FACS machine the first two columns are the forward and side scatter, % the last column is the Time information (when even was detected) and % the inner columns are the fluorescence data. Order depends on how the % run was set-up % % Bins: bins to use when making the histogram of the logarithm of the % data % % varargin: % varargin{1}: 0 if output is to be suppressed (default), 1 if output % (ie, plot of the gate and the stuff in the gate) IS to be plotted % varargin{2}: name for the title of the plot when data is sent in rather % than a filename % % % OUTPUTS: % LOGM: Each row corresponds to the # of counts (for the bins defined by % Bins) for each file (if filenameORdata is such that we are going to % analyze multiple files) % % % REQUIRES: % fca_readfcs % % REFERENCES: % Mathworks documentation on inpolygon: % % % Written by Megan McClean, Ph.D. % Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics % Princeton University % 120 Carl Icahn % Princeton, NJ 08544 % % % Last revised on February 3, 2012 %% LOGM=[]; Names={}; %% if ~iscell(filenames) files=dir(filenames); else files=struct('name',[]); for i=1:length(filenames) files(i).name=filenames{i}; end end %% %Calculate the appropriate log_10 of the fluorescence data, take a %histogram with bins Bins, and store the counts in LOGM (each row %corresponds to a different file) for i=1:length(files) [fcsdat, fcshdr] = fca_readfcs(files(i).name); logx=log(fcsdat(gates{i},col)); logx=real(logx); f=find(logx==-Inf); logx(f)=-1000; x=linspace(0,10,100); [n,x]=hist(logx,Bins); LOGM=[LOGM; n]; Names{i}=files(i).name; end close all; %% %%Plot the histograms h=figure; hold; for j=1:length(gates) plot(Bins, LOGM(j,:),'LineWidth',2,'Color',[rand(1) rand(1) rand(1)]); end legend(Names); xlabel('ln(Fluorescence)','FontSize',14); ylabel('Counts','FontSize',14) %% %Save figure if size(varargin)>0 saveas(h,varargin{1},'fig') saveas(h,varargin{1},'png') end