%An example of RNAP/sigma factor competition among the genome of promoters %Restricted to two sigma factors: Sigma70 and SigmaS as an example range = linspace(1,1000,1001); for i=1:length(range) %Incrementing the copy number from 1 to 1000 in steps of 1 %Plasmid / chromosome copy number copynumber = range(i); %Conversion factors & constants molec2uM = 0.00166057788110; RT = 1.987e-3*310; %Constant Concentrations Sigma70 = 4700; %Measured experimentally SigmaS = 100; %Measured experimentally RNAP = 2600; %Measured experimentally Promoters = copynumber; Other_Sigma70_Promoters = 10500; %Estimated from E. coli genome Other_SigmaS_Promoters = 5000; %A completely arbitrary estimate Random_DNA = 1e6; %E. coli genome size in base pairs %Competing random DNA dG_NonSpecific = -4.5; %Estimated %Thermodynamic Parameters [kcal/mol] %Target Promoter dG_Sigma70 = -9.3 - dG_NonSpecific; %A medium strength Sigma70 promoter dG_SigmaS = -5 - dG_NonSpecific; %Estimated %All other competing promoters (average) dG_Sigma_OtherPromoters = -8 - dG_NonSpecific; %Estimated %Equilibrium Statements %Competition between RNAP and different sigma factors. Assumes each sigma %factor binds to RNAP with equal affinity. TotalSigma = Sigma70 + SigmaS; Total_RNAP_Sigma70 = RNAP * Sigma70 / TotalSigma; Total_RNAP_SigmaS = RNAP * SigmaS / TotalSigma; %Competition between RNAP/sigma and every promoter in the genome. We assume %that there is an average dG of binding for the non-target (other) %promoters in the genome. Sigma70_PromoterCompetition = Promoters * exp(-dG_Sigma70/RT) / (Promoters * exp(-dG_Sigma70/RT) + Other_Sigma70_Promoters*exp(-dG_Sigma_OtherPromoters/RT)); SigmaS_PromoterCompetition = Promoters * exp(-dG_SigmaS/RT) / (Promoters * exp(-dG_SigmaS/RT) + Other_SigmaS_Promoters*exp(-dG_Sigma_OtherPromoters/RT)); RNAP_Sigma70(i) = Total_RNAP_Sigma70 * Sigma70_PromoterCompetition; RNAP_SigmaS(i) = Total_RNAP_SigmaS * SigmaS_PromoterCompetition; end semilogy(range,RNAP_Sigma70,range,RNAP_SigmaS,'LineWidth',2) xlabel('Copy number of Target Promoter'); ylabel('Molecules of RNAP/ \sigma factor') legend('RNAP/ \sigma^7^0','RNAP/ \sigma^S','Location','SouthEast');