Bruvo.distance <- function(genotype1, genotype2, maxl=9, usatnt=2, missing=-9) { if( stop("Bruvo.distance needs info from Usatnts slot.") if(identical(genotype1, genotype2)&&genotype1[1]!=missing) {dist <- 0} else { if((length(genotype1)>maxl & length(genotype2)>maxl)| genotype1[1]==missing|genotype2[1]==missing){ dist <- NA} else { if(length(genotype1) >= length(genotype2)) { genotypeL <- genotype1/usatnt; genotypeS <- genotype2/usatnt} else { genotypeL <- genotype2/usatnt; genotypeS <- genotype1/usatnt} # if genotypes are identical, just return a distance of zero without doing the rest # of the calculation # if genotypes are both longer than 9, skip this calculation because it will take hours # whichever genotype has more alleles, make this genotypeL (long) and the other # genotypeS (short) # convert alleles into repeat counts by dividing by usatnt kl <- length(genotypeL) # sets the ploidy level for this genotype comparison ks <- length(genotypeS) # number of alleles in the shorter genotype allele.distances <- array(0 , c(kl,ks)) # Create an empty matrix to contain the raw distances between alleles for(n in 1:kl) { for(m in 1:ks) {allele.distances[n,m] <- genotypeL[n] - genotypeS[m]}} # fills the array with the differences in allele repeat count geometric.distances <- array(1 - 2^-abs(allele.distances) , c(kl,ks)) # geometric transformation based on mutation probabilities #Next, find the minimum distance sum among all permutations column <- 1:ks # an index of all columns (genotypeS alleles) row <- 1:kl # an index of all rows (genotypeL alleles) combinations <- combn(row, ks, FUN = NULL, simplify=FALSE) # all combinations of alleles in genotypeL that can be matched to non-virtual # alleles in genotypeS permutations <- combinat::permn(ks) # all possible orders that alleles within these combinations can go in mindist <- Inf # this variable will store the minimum sum encountered so far. for(i in 1:length(combinations)) { # the loop to go through every possible sum of compatible allele comparisons rowcomb <- combinations[[i]] # choose one combination of rows for this round for(l in 1:length(permutations)){ # go through all orders of this combinations of rows sum <- 0 # this is si, the sum of allele comparisons for(j in 1:ks){ sum <- sum + geometric.distances[rowcomb[permutations[[l]][j]],column[j]]} # the loop to calculate the sum for this permutation if(sum < mindist) {mindist <- sum} # is this the minimum sum found so far? }} dist <- (mindist+kl-ks)/kl # add 1 for each infinite virtual allele, then divide by the ploidy }} return(dist) } Lynch.distance<-function(genotype1,genotype2,usatnt=NA,missing=-9){ if(genotype1[1]==missing || genotype2[1]==missing){ # return NA if there is any missing data distance<-NA } else { # make sure each allele is only listed once genotype1 <- unique(genotype1) genotype2 <- unique(genotype2) # get the average number of bands for the two genotypes meanbands<-(length(genotype1)+length(genotype2))/2 # find how many bands the genotypes have in common commonbands<- sum(genotype1 %in% genotype2) # calculate the distance distance<- 1-(commonbands/meanbands) } # return distance return(distance) } meandistance.matrix <- function(object, samples=Samples(object), loci=Loci(object), all.distances=FALSE, distmetric=Bruvo.distance, progress=TRUE, ...){ # subset the object so that samples can be numbered object <- object[samples, loci] # create an array containing all distances by locus and sample loci.matrices<-array(dim=c(length(loci),length(samples),length(samples)), dimnames=list(loci,samples,samples)) for(L in loci){ for(m in 1:length(samples)){ for(n in m:length(samples)){ thisdistance <- distmetric(Genotype(object, m, L), Genotype(object, n, L), usatnt = Usatnts(object)[L], missing = Missing(object), ...) loci.matrices[L,m,n] <- thisdistance loci.matrices[L,n,m] <- thisdistance if(progress) print(c(L, samples[m], samples[n])) } } } # calculate the mean matrix across all loci mean.matrix<-matrix(nrow=length(samples),ncol=length(samples), dimnames=list(samples,samples)) for(j in samples){ for(k in samples){ mean.matrix[j,k]<-mean(loci.matrices[,j,k][![,j,k])]) } } # return either the mean matrix and possibly the array as well if(all.distances){ return(list(DistByLoc=loci.matrices, MeanMatrix=mean.matrix)) } else { return(mean.matrix) } } meandist.from.array<-function(distarray, samples=dimnames(distarray)[[2]], loci=dimnames(distarray)[[1]]){ # get the array to be averaged subarray<-distarray[loci,samples,samples] # make a matrix to put the means into mean.matrix<-matrix(nrow=length(samples),ncol=length(samples), dimnames=list(samples,samples)) for(j in samples){ for(k in samples){ mean.matrix[j,k]<-mean(subarray[,j,k][![,j,k])]) } } return(mean.matrix) }<-function(distarray, samples=dimnames(distarray)[[2]], loci=dimnames(distarray)[[1]]){ # set up vectors for data frame to contain info on where missing data is Locus<-"" Sample1<-"" Sample2<-"" # current row in the data frame currrow<-1 # go through the array, find NA, and put the index into the data frame for(L in loci){ for(s1 in samples){ for(s2 in samples){ if([L,s1,s2])){ Locus[currrow]<-L Sample1[currrow]<-s1 Sample2[currrow]<-s2 currrow<-currrow+1 } } } } #return data frame return(data.frame(Locus=Locus, Sample1=Sample1, Sample2=Sample2, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)) } find.missing.gen<-function(object, samples=Samples(object), loci=Loci(object)){ # set up vectors to contain the indices to put into the data frame Locus <- c("") Sample <- c("") # current row in the data frame currrow<-1 # find which data are missing for(L in loci){ for(s in samples){ if(isMissing(object, s, L)){ Locus[currrow]<-L Sample[currrow]<-s currrow<-currrow+1 } } } # return the data frame return(data.frame(Locus=Locus,Sample=Sample, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)) } # find NA distances that aren't the result of missing data<-function(object, distarray, samples=dimnames(distarray)[[2]], loci=dimnames(distarray)[[1]]){ # get the data frames of NA distances and missing genotypes na.dist<,samples=samples,loci=loci) missing.gen<-find.missing.gen(object,samples=samples,loci=loci) # set up vectors for data frame to contain results Locus<-"" Sample1<-"" Sample2<-"" currrow<-1 # for each row of na.dist, look for that locus and samples in missing.gen for(i in 1:length(na.dist$Locus)){ L<-na.dist$Locus[i] s1<-na.dist$Sample1[i] s2<-na.dist$Sample2[i] missthislocus<-missing.gen[missing.gen$Locus==L,] if(identical(c(s1,s2) %in% missthislocus$Sample, c(FALSE,FALSE))){ Locus[currrow]<-L Sample1[currrow]<-s1 Sample2[currrow]<-s2 currrow<-currrow+1 } } # return data frame return(data.frame(Locus=Locus, Sample1=Sample1, Sample2=Sample2, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)) } genotypeProbs <- function(object, sample, locus, freq=NULL, gprob=NULL, alleles=NULL){ pl <- Ploidies(object,sample,locus) # get ploidy gen <- Genotype(object, sample, locus) # get ambiguous genotype # determine which method we are using u <- c(is.null(freq),is.null(gprob),is.null(alleles)) ok <- FALSE if(identical(u, c(FALSE,TRUE,TRUE))){ selfing <- FALSE ok <- TRUE } if(identical(u, c(TRUE, FALSE,FALSE))){ selfing <- TRUE ok <- TRUE } if(!ok) stop("Supply freq, or gprob and alleles.") # Errors if( stop("Ploidies required.") if(length(gen) > pl) stop(paste("There are too many alleles for ploidy:",sample,locus)) # What to do with unambiguous genotypes if(length(gen)==1){ if(pl==0 && isMissing(object, sample, locus)) pl <- 1 # 8/30/14 - above edit is in anticipation of recodeAllopoly results <- list(probs=1, genotypes=matrix(rep(gen, pl), nrow=1, ncol=pl)) } if(length(gen)==pl){ results <- list(probs=1, genotypes=matrix(gen, nrow=1, ncol=pl)) } # What to do with ambiguous genotypes if(!length(gen) %in% c(1,pl)){ if(!selfing){ pop <- PopNames(object)[PopInfo(object)[sample]] f <- freq[pop, paste(locus, gen, sep=".")] # get allele frequencies f <- as.vector(f/sum(f)) # normalize frequencies names(f) <- gen } a1 <- length(gen) # number of alleles a2 <- pl-a1 # number of slots to fill # set up function for recursive building of genotypes makegen <- function(gmat){ gmat2 <- matrix(nrow=0, ncol=dim(gmat)[2]+1) for(i in 1:dim(gmat)[1]){ alsofar <- gmat[i,] lastallele <- alsofar[length(alsofar)] for(j in gen[match(lastallele,gen):length(gen)]){ gmat2 <- rbind(gmat2, matrix(c(alsofar,j),nrow=1, ncol=dim(gmat2)[2])) } } if(dim(gmat2)[2]==a2){ return(gmat2) } else { return(makegen(gmat2)) } } # alleles in ambiguous slots allelefill <- matrix(gen, nrow=a1, ncol=1) if(a2 > 1) allelefill <- makegen(allelefill) ng <- dim(allelefill)[1] # number of genotypes results <- list(probs=c(), genotypes=matrix()) # genotypes (unambiguous + ambiguous alleles) results[["genotypes"]] <- cbind(matrix(rep(gen,each=ng), nrow=ng,ncol=a1), allelefill) # Probability of each genotype & allele sorting for(i in 1:ng){ # sort the alleles in this genotype results$genotypes[i,] <- sort(results$genotypes[i,]) if(!selfing){ ## random mating method # multiply allele probabilities fmult <- prod(f[as.character(allelefill[i,])]) # get the polynomial coefficient allelecopies <- c() for(a in unique(allelefill[i,])){ allelecopies <- c(allelecopies, length(allelefill[i,][allelefill[i,]==a])) } pc <- factorial(a2)/prod(mapply(factorial, allelecopies)) # get the probability of this genotype results[["probs"]][i] <- pc * fmult } else { ## partial selfing method # get unambig genotype in terms of genlist numbers ugen <- match(as.integer(results$genotypes[i,]),alleles) results$probs[i] <- gprob[.indexg(ugen, length(alleles), pl)] } } if(selfing){ # with selfing method, need to normalize probabilities. results$probs <- results$probs/sum(results$probs) } } # Return a list containing unambiguous genotypes and their probabilities return(results) } meandistance.matrix2 <- function(object, samples=Samples(object), loci=Loci(object), freq=simpleFreq(object, samples, loci), self=0, all.distances=FALSE, distmetric = Bruvo.distance, progress=TRUE, ...){ # Errors if(!all(!,samples,loci)))) stop("Ploidies needed.") if(!all(![samples]))) stop("PopInfo needed.") if(!all(PopNames(object)[unique(PopInfo(object)[samples])] %in% row.names(freq))) stop("PopNames must match row.names of freq.") # calculate probabilities of every unambiguous genotype from all genotypes gprobs <- array(list(NA), dim=c(length(samples), length(loci)), dimnames=list(samples, loci)) if(self == 0){ # calculate genotype probabilities under random mating for(s in samples){ for(L in loci){ gprobs[[s,L]] <- genotypeProbs(object, s, L, freq=freq) } } } else { # calculate genotype probabilities under partial selfing pops <- PopNames(object)[unique(PopInfo(object)[samples])] for(p in pops){ psamples <- samples[samples %in% Samples(object, populations=p)] for(L in loci){ m2 <- unique(Ploidies(object, psamples, L)) if(length(m2) != 1) stop("Only one ploidy allowed per pop*locus when self > 0.") if( stop("Function requires information in Ploidies slot.") if(m2 %% 2 != 0) stop("Ploidy must be even.") cat("Setting up genotype probabilities...",sep="\n") subfreq <- freq[p, grep(L, names(freq), fixed=TRUE)] templist <- names(subfreq)[subfreq !=0] templist <- strsplit(templist, split=".", fixed=TRUE) alleles <- rep(0, length(templist)) for(i in 1:length(alleles)){ alleles[i] <- templist[[i]][2] } # let's just not do null allelles for now # (Hey, I'm trying to graduate.) alleles <- sort(as.integer(alleles[alleles != "null"])) na1 <- length(alleles) # setting stuff up from De Silva method ng <- na1 # number of genotypes for(j in 2:m2){ ng <- ng*(na1+j-1)/j } ag <- .genlist(ng, na1, m2) temp <- .ranmul(ng, na1, ag, m2) rmul <- temp[[1]] arep <- temp[[2]] rm(temp) smat <- .selfmat(ng, na1, ag, m2) m <- m2/2 smatdiv <- (.G(m-1,m+1))^2 p1 <- rep(0, na1) # vector to hold frequencies for(a in alleles){ p1[match(a, alleles)] <- subfreq[1, grep(a, names(subfreq), fixed=TRUE)] } p1 <- p1/sum(p1) # normalize to sum to 1 rvec <- rep(0,ng) for(g in 1:ng){ rvec[g] <- rmul[g] for(j in 1:m2){ rvec[g] <- rvec[g]*p1[ag[g,j]] } } id <- diag(nrow=ng) smatt <- smat/smatdiv s3 <- id - self * smatt s3inv <- solve(s3) gprob <- (1-self) * s3inv %*% rvec for(s in psamples){ gprobs[[s,L]] <- genotypeProbs(object, s, L, gprob=gprob, alleles=alleles) } } } } # set up a 3D array to hold distances by sample x sample x locus loci.matrices<-array(dim=c(length(loci),length(samples),length(samples)), dimnames=list(loci,samples,samples)) # cycle through calculations for(L in loci){ u <- Usatnts(object)[L] for(m in samples){ for(n in samples[match(m,samples):length(samples)]){ totdist <- 0 # total distance so far # cycle through all unambiguous genotypes for these two samples for(i in 1:length(gprobs[[m,L]][["probs"]])){ for(j in 1:length(gprobs[[n,L]][["probs"]])){ # raw distance d <- distmetric( as.vector(gprobs[[m,L]][["genotypes"]][i,]), as.vector(gprobs[[n,L]][["genotypes"]][j,]), usatnt=u, missing=Missing(object), ...) # probability of this combination p <- gprobs[[m,L]][["probs"]][i] * gprobs[[n,L]][["probs"]][j] totdist <- totdist + (d*p) } } loci.matrices[L,m,n] <- totdist loci.matrices[L,n,m] <- totdist if(progress) print(c(L, m, n)) } } } # calculate the mean matrix across all loci mean.matrix<-matrix(nrow=length(samples),ncol=length(samples), dimnames=list(samples,samples)) for(j in samples){ for(k in samples){ mean.matrix[j,k]<-mean(loci.matrices[,j,k], na.rm=TRUE) } } # return either the mean matrix and possibly the array as well if(all.distances){ return(list(DistByLoc=loci.matrices, MeanMatrix=mean.matrix)) } else { return(mean.matrix) } } # expect ambiguous genotypes to be a non-zero distance from themselves! assignClones <- function(d, samples=dimnames(d)[[1]], threshold=0){ # set up results vector results <- rep(NA, length(samples)) names(results) <- samples results[1] <- 1 # the first individual is clone 1 numclones <- 1 # there is one clone so far # for just one sample, we're done if(length(samples)>1){ # assign the rest for(i in 2:length(samples)){ s <- samples[i] # i is the numerical index, s is the character index sam <- samples[1:(i-1)] # samples that have already been assigned if(all([s,sam]))) next # skip missing data if(min(d[s, sam], na.rm=TRUE) > threshold){ # new clone numclones <- numclones + 1 results[i] <- numclones } else { # match to existing clone(s) msam <- sam[d[s,sam] <= threshold] # samples that match cl <- unique(results[msam]) # the matching clone(s) cl <- cl[!] if(length(cl) == 1){ # these are all one clone results[i] <- cl } else { # multiple clones are being merged due to this individual results[i] <- cl[1] results[results %in% cl[2:length(cl)]] <- cl[1] } } } # cleanup; just give sequential numbers clones <- unique(results) clones <- clones[!] results <- match(results, clones) names(results) <- samples } return(results) } # Function for the genotype loss/addition model of the Bruvo measure. # Figures out all the virtual alleles, then passes equal-length genotypes # to Bruvo.distance. # See Fig. 1b-1c and Eqn. 6 of Bruvo et al. 2004. Bruvo2.distance <- function(genotype1, genotype2, maxl=7, usatnt=2, missing=-9, add=TRUE, loss=TRUE){ if(length(genotype1)==length(genotype2) || genotype1[1] == missing || genotype2[1] == missing || (!add && !loss)){ # Let normal Bruvo.distance return NA for missing genotypes # or pass directly to Bruvo.distance if there are no virtual alleles, # or if user isn't using genome loss or genome addition model. d <- Bruvo.distance(genotype1, genotype2, maxl=maxl, usatnt=usatnt, missing=missing) } else { if(length(genotype1) > maxl || length(genotype2) > maxl){ # if any has two many alleles, don't bother with enumeration d <- NA } else { # Assign the long and short genotypes if(length(genotype1) >= length(genotype2)) { genotypeL <- genotype1 genotypeS <- genotype2 } else { genotypeL <- genotype2 genotypeS <- genotype1 } # get the difference in length diff <- length(genotypeL) - length(genotypeS) # get allele combinations to try alcomb <- function(genotype){ lg <- length(genotype) mat <- matrix(nrow=0, ncol=lg^diff) for(i in 1:diff){ mat <- rbind(mat, rep(genotype, times=lg^(i-1), each=lg^(diff-i))) } return(mat) } if(add){ alleleadd <- alcomb(genotypeS) } if(loss){ alleleloss <- alcomb(genotypeL) } # set up vectors to hold results distadd <- rep(NA, times=length(genotypeS)^diff) distloss <- rep(NA, times=length(genotypeL)^diff) # loop through calculations if(add){ for(i in 1:length(distadd)){ if(length(unique(alleleadd[,i])) > 1){ # check to see if this calculation has already been done for(j in 1:(i-1)){ if(identical(sort(alleleadd[,i]),sort(alleleadd[,j]))){ distadd[i] <- distadd[j] break } } } if([i])){ # do the calculation is this allele combo is new distadd[i] <- Bruvo.distance(genotypeL, c(genotypeS, alleleadd[,i]), maxl=maxl, usatnt=usatnt, missing=missing)} }} if(loss){ for(i in 1:length(distloss)){ if(length(unique(alleleloss[,i])) > 1){ for(j in 1:(i-1)){ if(identical(sort(alleleloss[,i]), sort(alleleloss[,j]))){ distloss[i] <- distloss[j] break } } } if([i])){ distloss[i] <- Bruvo.distance(genotypeL, c(genotypeS, alleleloss[,i]), maxl=maxl, usatnt=usatnt, missing=missing)} }} # get average d <- mean(c(mean(distadd), mean(distloss)), na.rm=TRUE) } } return(d) }