Making CPK

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Department of Physics, Willamette University


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Making Creatine Phosphokinase (CPK)

  • Creatine Phosphokinase – Calbiochem, Cat #: 238395, 5KU, store at -20°C
  • Final stock (100x) should be 10 mg/mL stored in 0.1% BSA, 50% GlyOH, and AB conditions.

1. Make ABSA + 50% GlyOH

5 mL ABSA + GlyOH
10x AB stock 500 uL
10x BSA stock 500 uL
100x DTT stock 50 uL
GlyOH 2.5 mL
ddwater fill to 5 mL

2. Chill the ABSA + GlyOH at -20°C

3. Add 1.5 mL of ABSA + GlyOH to CPK container and mix

4. Aliquot 50 μL stocks on ice

5. Store at -20°C